Search results for ‘Robert Mugabe’

78 items found

  • 21 Nov 2017

    The world reacts to Robert Mugabe’s resignation – Lindsey Hilsum reports live from Zimbabwe.

  • 21 Nov 2017

    He was his country’s liberator, but Zimbabwe was held in thrall to Robert Mugabe for far too long. Today the build-up of pressure of almost four decades of misrule was too much. The military took over a week ago, putting Mugabe under house arrest and toppling his wife Grace from power. Then the ruling Zanu-PF party sacked him as its leader and parliament started impeachment proceedings.

  • 20 Nov 2017

    Refusing all demands to step down, Zimbabwe’s embattled President Robert Mugabe has summoned his cabinet to meet first thing tomorrow, even as the country’s ruling party begins moves to impeach him, and the army has been on television talking of a roadmap to get rid of him. Mugabe, who’s accused of “allowing his wife to usurp government powers”, is still under…

  • 19 Nov 2017

    Robert Mugabe has been sacked as leader of Zimbabwe’s ruling Zanu-PF party but technically he remains president. For now at least. Mr Mugabe has been meeting military leaders to discuss his future and with even his former backers from the war veterans demanding he ends his 37-year rule, the termination of his presidency now seems…

  • 18 Nov 2017

    Robert Mugabe has reportedly said he wants to spend his last days in Africa but he has had medical treatment in Singapore. He also is thought to have used Singapore’s secretive banking laws to hide his assets there. We followed the Mugabe trail.

  • 18 Nov 2017

    Tens of thousands of people have taken to streets of the Zimbabwean capital, piling the pressure on President Robert Mugabe to stand down as leader. The day of protests was sanctioned by the army and even his own party. Tonight the military announced it will meet Mr Mugabe tomorrow to discuss his departure.

  • 17 Nov 2017

    Elliott Pfebve, an EU envoy for the opposition Movement for Democratic Change party, Acie Lumumba, co-ordinator of tomorrow’s Mugabe “send-off” march and a former Zanu PF politician, and Nick Mangwana, Zanu PF’s representative in the UK, discuss Robert Mugabe and Zimbabwe’s future.

  • 16 Nov 2017

    Last-ditch talks have been taking place in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare to try to find a way to end Robert Mugabe’s 37-year rule. Photographs have emerged of Mr Mugabe meeting the army commander who put him under house arrest. The photos did not show first lady Grace Mugabe whose attempts to secure greater powers for herself…

  • 15 Nov 2017

    Robert Mugabe is under house arrest as the Zimbabwe army staged a de facto military coup. Troops have been posted outside government buildings and are patrolling the streets of the capital Harare. The former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was sacked just last week, could now be on his way back to Zimbabwe to take…

  • 15 Nov 2017

    At 93, Robert Mugabe is the world’s oldest serving head of state. He’s been in power for almost 40 years. Most Zimbabweans have never known rule by anyone else. Who is the man who’s led Zimbabwe since its independence from white minority rule?

  • 21 Oct 2017

    Professor Mukesh Kapila, a former World Health Organisation official, explains how he thinks the decision to appoint Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe as a “goodwill ambassador” was made.

  • 12 Aug 2013

    In typical feisty form, Robert Mugabe hits out at his rivals saying they should accept the result of the presidential election or “commit suicide” adding that “dogs will not sniff their carcasses”.

  • 30 Jul 2013

    Zimbabwe elections: Mugabe in power until he dies?

    Despite appearing ever more out of touch with his people, 89-year-old Robert Mugabe looks unlikely to relinquish power just yet – no matter who wins the election.

  • 10 Apr 2012

    Zimbabwean newspaper reports of the ill-health of Robert Mugabe have sparked a wave of speculation over his condition in the country that the 88-year-old president has ruled since 1980.

  • 22 Jan 2019

    If you thought Zimbabwe’s descent ended with the removal of Robert Mugabe from power, think again.