Search results for ‘hbos’

66 items found

  • 17 May 2017

    Lloyds returns to the private sector, but have taxpayers been paid in full?

    The plan had been for the Chancellor and the Lloyds bank boss Antonio Horta-Osorio to go on a walkabout at an apprenticeship training centre in Coventry. A mutual back-slapping moment to celebrate, almost a decade on, the return of the once beleaguered Lloyds into private ownership. But the general election happened and purdah rules knocked…

  • 11 Sep 2014

    How we can measure the seven big #indyref risks

    There are a panoply of risks associated to Scottish Independence. The transition risks might be survivable, but goodwill is required from London and Edinburgh if it is going to work.

  • 23 Oct 2013

    As the owners of the Grangemouth petro-chemical plant near Falkirk announce that it will close, the UK and Scottish governments say they hope a way can be found to keep it open.

  • 16 Sep 2013

    The precision timing of Lloyds’ share sell-off

    If anyone was in any doubt that the sale of Lloyds and RBS shares was politically motivated, Monday’s move by the Treasury was the proof that was needed.

  • 20 Jun 2013

    Extra capital for UK banks. How not paying tax helps

    As Britain’s banks “pad up” their capital ratios, Economics Editor explores if RBS, bailed out by the taxpayer, should be able to use its losses to not pay tax?

  • 13 Jun 2013

    The bankruptcy G8

    Guests of David Cameron’s G8 summit will not need to look further than their own doorstep for examples of a challenging world economy.

  • 4 Dec 2012

    Banking crisis 'as bad as a world war'

    The former boss of HBOS tells MPs incompetence was as much to blame as the financial crisis for the collapse of his bank and admits he is deeply sorry. But he keeps his knighthood.

  • 8 Oct 2012

    The fate of British bankers is in the hands of 10 people tasked with reforming a culture of recklessness and crime. Meet the banking standards commission, who will tame the masters of the universe.

  • 20 Jul 2012

    A leading businessman and peer tells Channel 4 News that the way society discriminates against people with mental health problems is like the scandal of the Salem witch trials in the 17th century.

  • 19 Jul 2012

    Banks, drugs, Mexico and jobs at the top

    So Paul Moore, formerly responsible for compliance at HBOS and who was sacked after warning in 2004 that the bank’s lending was risky and in serious danger of-heating, has applied to be the Chairman of Barclays. Mr. Moore, whom I met and talked with extensively last week, is unlikely to be hanging around his phone in the expectation of a Barclays call. Although, I have met no one who knows quite so much about where the more noxious of the banking bodies are buried.

  • 17 Jul 2012

    As London tries to shine, the City is under global regulatory attack

    There were various disgraces in the way the banks treated consumer and businesses with contempt over purchase insurance and interest rate swaps. But the Libor scandal seemed to be a quite incredible.

  • 13 Jul 2012

    The US pressed the Bank of England to improve the Libor system before Lehman Bros collapsed in 2008 amid reports that Barclays and other global banks were rate rigging, newly released e-mails show.

  • 9 Jul 2012

    How close was Barclays to the abyss in 2008?

    Today’s cache of Paul tucker emails released by the Bank of England puts the Libor scandal in a rather different context. The big picture here: the post-07 Libor “scandal” is the tree. The concerning financial health of Barclays Bank in October 2998 is the woods. The now Deputy Governor of the Bank of England is shown to be exchanging emails about Barclays’ financial position from a full week before the famous conversation that some have depicted as a Labour plot to illegally to manipulate Libor.

  • 21 Jun 2012

    A court case to fine and ban the directors behind the £42m failure of the Farepak hamper firm collapsed this week, provoking further bitterness among the savers caught up in the long-running saga.

  • 15 Jun 2012

    The decision of Conservative MP Charles Walker to speak openly about the mental illness that he has struggled with over three decades generates praise and admiration from the public.