Search results for ‘insurance premiums’

30 items found

  • 11 Jul 2012

    As parts of the country remain on flood watch, the government’s climate advisers warn more than half a million homes and businesses are at significant risk of flooding in the future.

  • 29 Jun 2012

    Widespread disruption blighted major transport routes for a second day after fierce storms and torrential downpours caused flash floods across parts of the UK.

  • 27 Feb 2012

    As a record number of young people buy annual cards for cheap coach and train travel amid rising motoring costs and tuition fees, car insurers deny they are pricing students off the road.

  • 14 Dec 2011

    As the Office of Fair Trading takes a fresh look at the rising cost of motor insurance, Channel 4 News fans on Twitter and Facebook call for changes to an industry “as bad as the banks”.

  • 9 Sep 2011

    Personal injury claim referral fees are to be banned by the government, in a bid to tackle rising insurance costs.

  • 24 Aug 2011

    ‘The “health and safety gone mad” story has become such a newspaper favourite that it’s not a great surprise to discover that sometimes the facts haven’t been allowed to get in the way of a good headline.’

  • 15 Feb 2011

    The NHS is failing to treat elderly patients with care and respect, a report reveals, as charities explain to Channel 4 News that negative attitudes to older people are a problem across society.

  • 20 Apr 2009

    2077: payback year for toxic asset scheme?

    The budget is less than 48 hours away, yet there may be as much left out of this document as put in. Certainly the single biggest budget decision made since November’s mini-budget may or may not score in the number crunching: a likely loss of tens of billions from the government insurance scheme for the…

  • 16 May 2014

    In February, Channel 4 News reported from Ayebridges Avenue, near Staines, as residents reeled under the devastation of flooding. Three months on, many of them have still not returned.

  • 26 Jun 2013

    Around 2,000 jobs are under threat at Churchill owner Direct Line Group after the insurance giant reveals plans to ramp up cost-cutting.

  • 27 Jun 2012

    The US Supreme Court is poised to decide if President Obama’s flagship healthcare law is unconstitutional – a landmark ruling which will have a huge impact on the country’s political future.

  • 9 Mar 2011

    As the Government tests its flood defences, critics say cuts will leave homes without insurance. MP Diana Johnson tells Channel 4 News: “The insurance market is practically closed in Hull.”

  • 5 Oct 2010

    Now or Never – the new Conservative refrain as they go hell for leather on major changes to public services.

  • 15 Aug 2010

    The claim “Graduates on average have better employment prospects and can expect to earn at least £100,000, net of tax, more than non-graduates across their working lives.” Universities and science minister David Willetts, commenting on The Push National Debt Survey, 13 August 2010 The background Students will owe nearly £25,000 when they graduate, a new…

  • 10 Mar 2010

    As the prime minister announces this month’s budget, and effectively the May election, Channel 4 News is bringing the three main parties together to debate the future of social care for the elderly.