Search results for ‘lulzsec’

21 items found

  • 13 Aug 2011

    Channel 4 News has been granted unprecedented access to the cyber security firm Qinetiq and spoken to the teenagers who are helping protect the UK Government from cyber attacks.

  • 2 Aug 2011

    Members of the digital collective Anonymous are collecting donations for the legal fees of Jake Davis, the 18-year-old who has appeared in court facing five charges related to hacking.

  • 23 Jun 2011

    A 19-year-old charged with carrying out a cyber attack on the UK’s Serious Organised Crime Agency is said to be “keen” to help with the police investigation. Ryan Cleary has appeared in court.

  • 22 Jun 2011

    A self-proclaimed former computer hacker talks to Channel 4 News about cyber crime in 2011, the role social media is playing and why he thinks hackers could become “more dangerous than al-Qaeda”.

  • 22 Jun 2011

    A 19-year-old from Essex has been charged with carrying out a cyber attack on the UK’s Serious Organised Crime Agency and other websites. The LulzSec hacker group denies he is one of their members.

  • 3 Jun 2011

    Hackers say they have broken into Sony’s servers within a day of the electronics giant getting the network back up and running after the last attack.