Search results for ‘st pauls’

38 items found

  • 25 Oct 2011

    Are the St Paul's protesters part time?

    Jon Snow ponders on whether the nature of protest has changed, as it emerges that only one in 10 of the tents at the Occupy London demo is actually occupied over night.

  • 25 Oct 2011

    Occupy London protesters at St Paul’s Cathedral rubbish claims that only 10 per cent of tents are occupied at night and tell Channel 4 News police are wasting taxpayers’ money on surveillance.

  • 24 Oct 2011

    Anti-capitalist protesters resist calls to leave St Paul’s Cathedral and vow to stay until they see results – even until Christmas.

  • 24 Oct 2011

    As police and protesters clash during a demonstration in London against corporate tax avoidance, campaigners tell Channel 4 News people have “had enough of dodgy deals with super-rich corporations”.

  • 22 Oct 2011

    The London landmark stays shut as anti-capitalist protests continue in nearby Finsbury Square.

  • 21 Oct 2011

    St Paul’s Cathedral has closed its doors to the public for the first time since the Second World War – because of the anti-capitalist protest camped outside.

  • 2 Mar 2011

    The Taliban claims responsibility for killing the Cabinet’s only Christian Minister Shahbaz Bhatti. An Islamic expert tells Channel 4 News he’s “deeply distressed” at the situation in the country.

  • 11 Aug 2009

    Paulson and Goldman Sachs: the plot thickens…

    The film on the backlash against Goldman Sachs is top of our most-viewed charts. To catch-up on the backstory read here, and it’s well worth seeing the film here, if only to see lightning burst out of the sky above Goldman’s new HQ in Manhattan. But the plot has thickened over the connections between the…

  • 11 Mar 2009

    WASHINGTON DC, USA – “F*** you” is not the most erudite political analysis you will ever hear in America. But it’s is one that is proving hugely popular as Jon Stewart, the host of Comedy Central’s Daily Show (also shown in the UK on More4 right after More4 News),  seems to be saying it every night…

  • 28 Feb 2012

    With the Occupy London activists finally evicted from St Paul’s Cathedral, one analyst tells Channel 4 News this is “the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end” for the group.

  • 9 Nov 2011

    Thousands of electricians march between London building sites to protest against changes to pay and conditions that one worker tells Channel 4 News are being introduced vindictively.

  • 9 Aug 2011

    Hundreds of people have been arrested after large scale violence and disorder spread from London to Birmingham, Liverpool, Bristol, and Nottingham. There has also been minor violence in Leeds.

  • 9 Aug 2017

    Brink of collapse – how the global financial crisis began

    The BNP Paribas announcement turned out to be the starting gun to the global financial crisis.

  • 28 Oct 2013

    David Bowie, Morrissey and John Cale lead tributes to pioneering musician, Lou Reed, who fronted influential rock band the Velvet Underground.

  • 17 Jun 2013

    30C heat possible midweek

    A plume of heat and humidity is going to brush England and Wales towards the middle of this week, bringing the potential for parts of south east England to reach 30C.