Search results for ‘tucson’

27 items found

  • 18 Jan 2011

    Sarah Palin defends her response to the Arizona shootings after her reference to “blood libel” caused controversy last week.

  • 13 Jan 2011

    President Barack Obama leads a memorial to the victims of the Arizona shooting spree and urges Americans to debate “in a way that heals, not a way that wounds”, writes Sarah Smith.

  • 13 Jan 2011

    President Obama pleads for the Arizona shootings not to be used for “politics and point-scoring”, but – as Felicity Spector reports – the political debate is already hotting up.

  • 12 Jan 2011

    The spooking of America

    Today, Barack Obama sets forth on yet another mission by an American President to heal his nation. How much more divided, more vitriolic, poisonous an atmosphere he confronts now than those who went before him.

  • 12 Jan 2011

    Former US vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has posted an eight-minute video on her Facebook page reacting to the Tucson shootings, as Barack Obama arrives in Arizona.

  • 11 Jan 2011

    As the man charged with the attempted murder of Gabrielle Giffords appears in court, Washington Correspondent Sarah Smith speaks to Arizona residents who vehemently defend their lax gun laws.

  • 10 Jan 2011

    The shooting of US Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords has sparked a debate over the rhetoric of US politics, but a former Republican presidential hopeful tells Channel 4 News there is “no connection”.

  • 10 Jan 2011

    As 22-year-old Jared Loughner is charged with murder, America falls silent to pay tribute to those killed in Saturday’s Arizona shootings. Sarah Smith asks whether the attack was inevitable.

  • 10 Jan 2011

    A 61-year-old woman who helped stop the Tucson gunman causing further deaths tells Channel 4 News she feels “humbled” after being praised by President Obama for wrestling ammunition from the killer.

  • 9 Jan 2011

    Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords remains in a critical condition but is responding to simple commands after the shootings in Tucson, Arizona. Six other people, including a girl aged nine, were killed.

  • 22 Dec 2010

    The number of drone strikes in Pakistan, believed to be led by the CIA, has doubled under the Obama administration in 2010 – leading to hundreds of deaths. Channel 4 News maps a secret war.

  • 8 Apr 2009

    Arizona is a dangerous place to visit these days. It’s become the kidnap capital of the United States as a wave of violence associated with the raging drug wars in Mexico has swept across the border and into America. More than one abduction a day is reported to the police, and they know that represents…