Search results for ‘egypt military’

411 items found

  • 5 Apr 2012

    As concerns grow for the life of leading Bahrain activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja, a Dublin-based human rights group tells Channel 4 News violence will escalate in the kingdom if Abdulhadi dies.

  • 21 Mar 2012

    Syrian opposition groups say the army has been shelling the Damascus suburbs of Irbin and Harasta amid reports of several military offensives.

  • 20 Feb 2012

    Channel 4 News takes a closer look at the hurdles between Israel and an attack on Iran.

  • 19 Feb 2012

    Foreign Correspondent Jonathan Rugman travels to rural northern Syria where local villagers have joined the revolt against the Assad regime. His report contains eyewitness accounts of brutality.

  • 14 Feb 2012

    Bahraini security forces fire tear gas and stun grenades as protesters mark the first anniversary of an uprising that was crushed by military force.

  • 11 Feb 2012

    As the death toll mounts in Syria’s bloody uprising, thousands of people are staging a mass rally in London to show their solidarity with protesters across the Middle East.

  • 6 Feb 2012

    While the Syrian government bombards Homs, what is the international community doing? Channel 4 News looks at what is happening on the surface and behind the scenes – and why.

  • 3 Feb 2012

    Defence analyst Anthony Tucker-Jones argues that Russia’s refusal to recognise the inevitable in Syria is condemning the country to an agonising death.

  • 1 Feb 2012

    A draft UN resolution on Syria aims to ensure that President Bashar al-Assad relinquishes his grip on power. But what else does the document say? Jonathan Rugman reads between the lines.

  • 27 Jan 2012

    A defector from the Syrian MOD tells Channel 4 News that the country’s spending on defence has surged since the uprising – and alleges that the answer could be turning to Iran for financial help.

  • 27 Jan 2012

    Chjannel 4 News International Editor Lindlsey Hilsum blogs on Youtube footage that appears to prove that Iran is sending Revolutionary Guards to fight in Syria.

  • 27 Jan 2012

    Activists and Arab League observers report an escalation in violence in Syria amid claims that forces loyal to President Assad killing an estimated 50 people over two days.

  • 19 Jan 2012

    As the Arab League observers pull out, Channel 4 News Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Miller asks what’s next for Syria, as it appears to slide unstoppably towards civil war.

  • 17 Jan 2012

    A Syrian politician who has recently defected from President Bashar al-Assad’s regime speaks for the first time about the “tragic situation” on the ground in the beleaguered country.

  • 12 Jan 2012

    Senior UK security officials and ministers could be in the frame as the Metropolitan Police begins a new wider investigation into allegations of rendition in Libya, as Simon Israel reports.