Search results for ‘sudan’

335 items found

  • 14 Oct 2011

    Refugees who have become separated from family during war and disasters can now use a mobile phone web service to try to find them again. Around 200,000 refugees are expected to use the site.

  • 6 Oct 2011

    The turn of the worm

    I have been scratching my head to think of any other 87-year-old who could have held an audience of over 4,000 in his thrall for an hour and a half as Jimmy Carter did last night on London’s South Bank.

  • 22 Sep 2011

    Lose, lose for Obama – and Palestinians too

    Matt Frei mulls over why the Americans have put the boot into Palestinian statehood.

  • 20 Sep 2011

    As Palestinian negotiators head to the United Nations to push their bid for formal recognition as a state, Jonathan Rugman reports on Palestinians celebrating in the streets in anticipation.

  • 19 Sep 2011

    Twins who were born joined at the head have been successfully separated by a team of British doctors. Their parents say they are “very grateful” to be going home with “two separate and healthy girls”.

  • 25 Jul 2011

    As ministers meet in Rome to discuss how to get aid to the drought-hit Horn of Africa region, an aid worker in Somalia tells Channel 4 News they should “stop talking and act now” or children will die.

  • 19 Jul 2011

    The Prime Minister is to fly home early from his visit to Africa to make a statement to MPs on Wednesday on the escalating scandal over phone hacking.

  • 5 Jul 2011

    From the Grand Hotel, Bentiu, Lindsey Hilsum blogs that South Sudan needs to harness the potential of its oil wealth if the new country is to realise its potential.

  • 30 Jun 2011

    There’s plenty of cows, but no milk industry – Lindsey Hilsum, writing from the southern Sudanese capital, says it’s a sign of the problems Africa’s newest nation will face.

  • 27 Jun 2011

    The International Criminal Court issues an arrest warrant for Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. But whether he will face justice or not still hangs in the balance, a lawyer tells Channel 4 News.

  • 17 Jun 2011

    UN goodwill ambassador Jolie is meeting refugees who escaped into Turkey from the violence in Syria.

  • 31 May 2011

    It’s a grand vision – preventing wars by telling the world what’s going on. Could George Clooney be onto something or is it naive to think war can be stopped this way? The actor’s Satellite Sentinel Project sees UN experts examine commercial satellite imagery and checks them against reports on the ground from aid agencies, journalists and other sources. They have already produced some pretty amazing images from Sudan including tanks and apparently destroyed villages which can be viewed here.

  • 27 May 2011

    With uprisings sweeping the Middle East, and fugitive killers like Osama bin Laden and Ratko Mladic captured, this is a historic year. Lindsey Hilsum looks at the historic stories that are being missed.

  • 26 May 2011

    Mladic, one of the last cards in the pack of wanted Balkan war criminals, will face justice before the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia. What can the ICC learn from this?

  • 26 May 2011

    The International Criminal Court was set up after genocide in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia. The arrest of Radko Maldic is a notable success, but who remains at large among those it has indicted?