Search results for ‘Cardiff’

306 items found

  • 11 Aug 2010

    As a new class of drug resistant superbugs has spread from the Indian sub-continent to the UK via “medical tourism” – a leading expert on infectious diseases tells Channel 4 News what it could mean.

  • 7 Jun 2010

    Tributes are paid to former Stereophonics drummer Stuart Cable, found dead at his home in south Wales today, as Channel 4 News producer Stuart McTeer remembers his role in the Cool Cymru phenomenon.

  • 23 Apr 2010

    With David Cameron exposing Labour’s leaflets which contain – we’ve taken a look at both the Tories & the Lib Dems leaflet campaigns.

  • 30 Nov 2009

    Wind turbines, tidal barrages and solar power are crucial in harnessing renewable energy. But which holds the greatest prospect in reducing emissions and preventing climate change? We ask the experts.

  • 7 Sep 2009

    Brown, Darling, and public spending cuts

    There will be more tomorrow from Alistair Darling on the government’s plans to outline cuts in public services, in the James Callaghan lecture in Cardiff. The Chancellor wanted to go further on balancing the books than No. 10 allowed him to at the Pre-Budget Report last autumn. Now he feels – after some lengthy conversations…

  • 19 Jan 2009

    On a rainbow flight to the Obama inauguration

    I am in Washington DC amid the build-up to Barack Obama’s inauguration as the 44th president of the United States. The excitement on the plane over was palpable – this was Flight Obama if there was one. Flights to Washington are normally prosaic affairs: businessmen, lobbyists, diplomatic families. But this one was a veritable rainbow…