Search results for ‘Kabul’

338 items found

  • 18 Feb 2010

    In a close-up account from behind enemy lines in Afghanistan, video journalist Vaughan Smith joins the Grenadier Guards to reveal the ambush strategies UK troops are using to beat the Taliban.

  • 15 Feb 2010

    Alex Thomson on the challenges facing NATO and the Afghan government on keeping the Taliban out of areas of Helmand cleared during Operation Moshtarak.

  • 11 Feb 2010

    As insurgents use improvised explosive devices to fight British troops in Afghanistan, bomb disposal expert Captain Jon Evett recalls his personal experience leading a counter-IED team.

  • 1 Dec 2009

    So, come the small hours this side of the Atlantic, President Obama will address the American nation and confirm his intention to more fully pursue The Bush Doctrine which began in Iraq, through Afghanistan. Bush surged into Baghdad; Obama will surge into Kabul. Meanwhile here Gordon Brown has pre-surged, carefully timing his 500 reinforcements yesterday,…

  • 16 Nov 2009

    The tale of Yusuf, injured while working as a translator for the British Army in Afghanistan, highlights the gulf in perceptions of responsibility, blogs Nick Paton Walsh

  • 12 Nov 2009

    As US Ambassador to Kabul, Karl Eikenberry, leaks a memo about his concerns of sending more troops to Afghanistan President Obama ponders whether sending more soldiers will really make a difference. Nick Paton Walsh writes.

  • 2 Nov 2009

    The West first bends President Karzai’s arm to concede to a second round of voting. Few people see how the fraud or insurgent-led violence of the first round won’t worsen this time. Then the challenger drops out. Why would he stay in? He won’t win, and prefers a principled withdrawal to an unruly defeat. So…

  • 28 Oct 2009

    Channel 4 News reporter Lindsey Hilsum examines the shrinking number of options available to the US in Afghanistan.

  • 26 Aug 2009

    Putting low voter turnout claims to our man in Afghanistan

    The UK ambassador in Kabul gave journalists in London a teleconference briefing today about the Afghan elections.

  • 21 Aug 2009

    Nothing in my morning today amounts to anything like scientific research. But it does chime with what the scientific experts are now saying.   I’ve been along to a number of Kabul high schools in the past hour or two with some simple questions.   Ana I have received simple answers from the helpful and…

  • 21 Aug 2009

    For the past week the Channel 4 News team has been on the frontline of the Afghan elections. The team has been with soldiers in Helmand to the hospital wards of Kandahar and into the halls of political power – it’s been a week of insight and analysis. The pictures displayed were taken from our…

  • 19 Aug 2009

    Alex Thomson on the main rivals to Hamid Karzai in the Afghan elections: Ramazan Bashardost, Abdullah Abdullah and Ashraf Ghani.

  • 19 Aug 2009

    Nima Elbagir guest blogs from Kandahar hospital, Afghanistan. When the Obama administrations’ then nominee for the top job in Afghanistan General Stanley McChrystal faced the Senate Armed Services committee in early June his message was unequivocal – civilian casualties were the major operational issue. “This is a critical point. It may be the critical point.…

  • 19 Aug 2009

    Channel 4 News reporter Nima Elbagir went to Afghanistan’s Mirwais hospital to uncover the civilian casualties caught up in the fight between Nato and the Taliban.

  • 18 Aug 2009

    Journalists and soldiers have very different ways of looking at the world. Journalists question everything; soldiers accept the task assigned by politicians. Journalists stand back to see how what’s happening fits into the big picture; soldiers set a limited goal and make it happen. Journalists are sceptics; soldiers have to believe in the rightness of…