Search results for ‘Faisal Islam’

717 items found

  • 24 May 2012

    Syriza versus the Bundesbank for the soul of the eurozone

    This seems a game of the Greek left versus the Bundesbank, for the soul of the eurozone.

  • 24 May 2012

    The double-dip recession is deeper than originally feared as revised figures show a sharper decline in the economy in the first three months of 2012.

  • 23 May 2012

    Is this the endgame for the euro? Tonight we report from across Europe on the day leaders meet in Brussels while contingency plans are made for a Greek exit from the single currency.

  • 25 Apr 2012

    Chancellor George Osborne tells Channel 4 News he does not ‘disguise or run away from’ the latest figures showing the UK is back in recession.

  • 21 Apr 2012

    In an interview with Channel 4 News Chancellor George Osborne defends his decision to give an extra £10bn loan to the International Monetary Fund while preaching austerity measures at home.

  • 18 Apr 2012

    As unemployment falls for the first time in a year, Channel 4 News looks at whether the bad times may be coming to an end.

  • 5 Apr 2012

    Is the Prime Minister right that 24 million people will be better off by £6.50 thanks to the change in personal tax allowance thresholds? FactCheck begs to differ.

  • 4 Apr 2012

    The government’s big society bank launched today. But its chairman has told Channel 4 News that all the good it might do could be outweighed by budget proposals to cap tax relief for philanthropists.

  • 22 Mar 2012

    There have been howls of anguish from pensioners and the press over the chancellor’s plans to make tax allowances for the retired less generous. But is the raid on pensioners really so unfair?

  • 21 Mar 2012

    It was a calculated political gamble. And there’s a good chance it will work – it all depends on whether Britain’s middle class voters howl in outrage at unfairness or smile in anticipation that they’ll be winners tomorrow. George Osborne will have known perfectly well that he would face fierce political attack from Labour today and he’s done it anyway, because this was his only chance.

  • 21 Mar 2012

    • Top rate of tax cut to 45p from April next year • Child benefit cut-off point rises to £50K • Are personal allowances changes a ‘granny tax’? Read Gary Gibbon’s blog: 50p tax – hero to zero? 13.47: Ed Miliband compares the government to Downton Abbey, a story of the “out of touch rich”.…

  • 20 Mar 2012

    Exclusive: Former A4e boss Emma Harrison was one of those who took advantage of a lag between the announcement and the start of the 50p top tax rate, Channel 4 News learns.

  • 17 Mar 2012

    George Osborne will announce plans to scrap national salaries for public sector workers and pay them according to their region instead – effectively meaning a pay cut of potentially for many of them.

  • 13 Mar 2012

    How do we find 2.5 million jobs? We’re launching the Channel 4 Jobs Report – an interactive project looking at the biggest question facing the UK economy in 2012.

  • 23 Feb 2012

    Channel 4 News scoops three awards from the Royal Television Society, including recognition for the documentary Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields made by ITN Productions.