Search results for ‘NUT’

3,097 items found

  • 3 Jun 2018

    Theresa May joined the London mayor Sadiq Khan and the head of Scotland Yard to observe a minutes silence in memory of those who died in the London Bridge terror attack a year ago today. At a special service in Southwark Cathedral, next to the spot where three attackers drove a van into pedestrians before…

  • 22 May 2018

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has apologised again, this time to political leaders in the European Parliament, who faced him with a barrage of questions about the social media network’s use of personal data, before he was given a few minutes to respond. Mr Zuckerberg promised that after the Cambridge Analytica scandal the firm would investigate…

  • 12 May 2018

    One child dies every ten minutes in Yemen because of the ongoing war between the government and Houti rebels. More than 20 million people are now in need of humanitarian assistance. The Disasters Emergency Committee raised £30 million in a crisis appeal. The DEC Chief Executive Saleh Saeed has just returned from Yemen. He went…

  • 24 Apr 2018

    ‘Painless’ procedure for EU citizens in UK using app – but only if you have an Android phone

    The presentation that followed included a walkthrough of the app which the government hopes will make registering a wish to stay in the UK a straightforward and painless experience for EU citizens. It is an Android app and so not compatible with Apple technology. I’m told the officials said that if you only have an iPhone you could borrow another device from a friend.

  • 4 Apr 2018

    A 16-year-old boy who died after he was shot in the face has been named locally as Amaan Shakoor – the youngest murder victim in London this year. The teenager was attacked in east London on Monday night – just minutes after a 17-year-old girl was shot and killed a few miles away while she…

  • 26 Mar 2018

    President Trump has weathered many storms in Washington, but none quite like this.The adult film star and director, Stormy Daniels, appeared on CBS’s 60 minutes programme in the US last night, detailing her alleged sexual encounter with Donald Trump in 2006. She made claims of alleged hush money and threats to keep her silent.The White…

  • 20 Mar 2018

    An investigation by Channel 4 News has revealed how Cambridge Analytica claims it ran ‘all’ of President Trump’s digital campaign – and may have broken election law. As the report went on air, the firm announced it has suspended chief executive Alexander Nix, pending a full investigation.

  • 14 Mar 2018

    Corbyn refuses to toe May’s line on Russia

    Mr Corbyn’s spokesman, briefing reporters after the Commons exchanges, suggested that the Labour leader was not convinced that the intelligence pointed without question to the Russian state as perpetrator of the act.

  • 8 Mar 2018

    The government has announced its ambition to reduce the number of calories in some popular foods by 20 per cent by 2024. Will this really help the nation lose weight? There’s often confusion and debate about how best to tackle the UK’s obesity epidemic. Some commentators have blamed obesity on over-consumption of certain food types like…

  • 7 Mar 2018

    A tax on US products like peanut butter, orange juice and cranberries could be on the way, as the European Union warned it could retaliate against Donald Trump’s plans to impose tariffs on certain imports. Europe’s Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmstrom said she had “serious doubts” about America’s claim that it was trying to protect its…

  • 6 Mar 2018

    British businesses are hoping for a bonanza from tomorrow’s visit by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia. They’re hoping to benefit from his ambitious plans to modernise the Saudi economy. Since being elevated to the position of Crown Prince last year, he’s led an anti-corruption crackdown and pushed for social reforms, including allowing…

  • 4 Mar 2018

    Sir Roger Bannister – the first athlete to run a mile in under four minutes – has died at the age of 88. His family said he died peacefully surrounded by his loved ones – adding “he banked his treasure in the hearts of his friends.”

  • 1 Mar 2018

    Theresa May gets eve of speech warnings from EU

    As Theresa May got Cabinet sign off for the “serious” and “ambitious” Brexit policy she’ll set out in her speech tomorrow, EU leaders have warned that her own red lines mean Britain is closing the door on itself.

  • 21 Feb 2018

    Brexit referendum – the sequel?

    A pro-Remain campaign bus mocking the Brexit slogan from the referendum struggled through back lanes of Westminster for a photo op this morning. Wedged between cars as the bus driver executed a 50 point turn, one campaigner on the bus said: “Oh no, this is going to be the story.” In front, a waiting firing squad of cameras suggested that might be on the money.

  • 20 Feb 2018

    An inquest jury has found a catalogue of failures inside Wandsworth Prison contributed to the death of a teenage Lithuanian who hanged himself in his segregation block cell. Eighteen-year-old Osvaldas Pagirys was in prison for stealing sweets and wanted in his home country for mobile phone theft. The Prisons Ombudsman described a 37-minute delay in…