Search results for ‘iraq’

1,842 items found

  • 9 Dec 2009

    Good morning once again from the cosy confines of the QEII conference centre in London where the Iraq inquiry gets under way shortly. Yesterday’s evidence was very much of a military bent taking us through pre-combat planning to the fall of Baghdad.   With the soldiers’ war “won” – at least as seen from Washington…

  • 8 Dec 2009

    Holloway on the Iraqi cabbie and the dodgy dossier

    Just interviewed MP Adam Holloway whose pamphlet on Iraq prompted the front page of the Daily Mail this morning: “Was Iraqi cabbie source of dodgy dossier?” The paper claims that an Iraqi taxi driver “…provided the information that Saddam Hussein could fire weapons at British targets within 45 minutes.” But Adam Holloway both in his…

  • 8 Dec 2009

    Another big day in the Iraq inquiry with the appearance this afternoon of Sir John Scarlett, chair of the joint intelligence committee at the time of the Iraq invasion.

  • 7 Dec 2009

    Sir John Chilcot’s Iraq war inquiry: “Explosive” evidence from Major General Tim Cross reveals Tony Blair was told “we are not ready” for post-war Iraq, writes the Iraq Inquiry Blogger for Channel 4 News.

  • 7 Dec 2009

    Sir John Chilcot’s Iraq war inquiry: both the UK and the US administrations could get it with both barrels this afternoon, writes the Iraq Inquiry Blogger for Channel 4 News.

  • 7 Dec 2009

    The inquiry kicks off this morning with Baghdad 2004-5. The first hearing starts at 11.30am, with diplomat Edward Chaplin, who we heard from in the first week.

  • 3 Dec 2009

    Admiral Boyce and Sir Kevin Tebbit give evidence at the Iraq war inquiry.

  • 3 Dec 2009

    The Iraq Inquiry blogger looks ahead to another day of evidence.

  • 1 Dec 2009

    Iraq war inquiry: military theme set to continue with a host of MI6 spooks lining up to give evidence next week, writes the Iraq Inquiry Blogger for Channel 4 News.

  • 1 Dec 2009

    Good morning all, as the inquiry turns one week old. Our witnesses today are Sir Edward Chaplin (UK ambassador to Jordan 2000-02 and then FCO director, Middle East & North Africa 2002-04) and a return appearance by Sir Peter Ricketts (who we saw last week in his previous incarnation as JIC chairman 2000-01 but who…

  • 30 Nov 2009

    An interesting start to today’s session when journos and bloggers in the press room were told that a date given by one of last week’s witnesses – Sir William Ehrman – was wrong and had now been corrected in the transcript. Conspiracy theorists are already at work. Who is “fiddling”, asks one of this site’s…

  • 30 Nov 2009

    Iraq inquiry: Manning’s insider account of Crawford summit

    Sir David Manning gives the Iraq inquiry the first insider’s account of the infamous Crawford Texas summit of April 2002 where Tony Blair and George Bush are supposed to have signed up to go to war.

  • 30 Nov 2009

    Not many people get to sit in on private meetings between presidents and prime ministers in the Oval Office of the White House. Today the Iraq inquiry hears from one who did. Sir David Manning was security adviser to Tony Blair in the run up to the Iraq war. And it was no ordinary meeting…

  • 30 Nov 2009

    At the start of the second week of the Iraq inquiry, four well-known opponents of the conflict gave their reaction to the findings so far to Channel 4 News.

  • 29 Nov 2009

    The Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry blogger examines the newspaper reaction to the first week of the Inquiry.