Search results for ‘washington’

1,689 items found

  • 6 Nov 2018

    Welcome back to a rainy Washington on election day where huge numbers are turning out and braving the weather to cast their votes. Joining me now is a man who has worked on his fair share of presidential and general election campaigns with the likes of George W. Bush and John McCain. Mark McKinnon served…

  • 3 Nov 2018

    SnowBlog: Life on an American campaign trail like no other

    Chicago O’Hare Airport. Mile upon mile of concrete runways with tiny quadrants of grass, and slow moving aircraft traffic criss-crossing ahead of us. We are in America. The eternal passport control awaits us, and thence to the open road.  Five lanes in each direction, massive ten wheeler wagons belching un-green gases along in all but the not…

  • 28 Oct 2018

    An act of terror in Pittsburgh

    America awoke this morning to the agonising detail of a far-right act of terror. This time the victims were not school children, as so often before, but members of the congregation of a synagogue in Pittsburgh. The dead are from the generations of Jews who grew up in the aftermath of the Holocaust. Generations living their…

  • 11 Oct 2018

    President Trump says the United States is looking into the disappearance of a Saudi journalist, who is feared to have been murdered. Jamal Khashoggi – who’s written for the Washington Post – vanished a week ago after he went into the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

  • 7 Oct 2018

    Interview with Galip Dalay, a friend of Jamal Khashoggi and a fellow of the Brookings Institution in Washington. Krishnan Guru-Murthy begins by asking him what he knew of what had happened at the consulate in Istanbul. A spokesperson for the Foreign Office has described the allegations as extremely serious and said that the UK government…

  • 6 Oct 2018

    The sexual assault allegations encircling President Trump’s nominee for Supreme Court Judge haven’t stopped his progress to the benches of America’s highest court. He denies the allegations. Last night a number of key Senators backed Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment for the lifetime job. He’s set to be confirmed in a Senate vote later this evening.…

  • 27 Sep 2018

    Kylie Morris is in Washington, where the Senate has been hearing the testimony of a woman who says she was sexually assaulted by the man President Trump wants to put in the Supreme Court.

  • 24 Sep 2018

    There’s been plenty of political drama in Washington, and this time it’s Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein at the centre of the chaos. Reports that he was summoned to the White House to either resign or be fired sent the capital into a frenzy, mainly because he is the man in charge of the Mueller investigation into the Trump campaign’s dealings…

  • 12 Sep 2018

    The war games come amid heightened tension between Russia and the west and especially with Washington, with which both Moscow and Beijing have strained ties.

  • 6 Sep 2018

    In Washington, a frenetic guessing game is underway to unearth the identity of the author of a New York Times opinion essay, who claims to be part of a “resistance” inside the White House.

  • 1 Sep 2018

    Former Presidents Barack Obama and George W Bush are leading the service in front of world leaders, political colleagues, family and friends at the memorial for senator John McCain.

  • 30 Aug 2018

    Is Google News really “suppressing voices of Conservatives”?

  • 28 Aug 2018

    Laura Dawson, director of the Canada Institute at Washington’s Wilson Centre, discusses the US/Mexico trade agreement.

  • 26 Aug 2018

    Funeral arrangements are underway, with plans for John McCain to lie in state both in Arizona and Capitol Hill, before a service at Washingtons National Cathedral. The former presidential candidate died last night at the age of 81.

  • 23 Aug 2018

    ‘I don’t know how you can impeach somebody who’s done a great job’, Donald Trump has insisted – telling Fox News that if he was impeached the markets would crash and “everybody would be very poor”. And in another tirade against his former laywer Michael Cohen – who claimed the President directed him to make…