Search results for ‘Home Secretary Theresa May’

527 items found

  • 30 Apr 2018

    Sajid Javid and the Customs Union

    Theresa May has appointed a new member to the Brexit Cabinet Committee just two days before what could be one of its most decisive meetings.

  • 24 Apr 2018

    Both Labour and the Conservatives have blamed each other for destroying “landing cards” from the Windrush generation. But who’s really responsible? And would they have made made a difference to someone threatened with deportation?

  • 12 Apr 2018

    Since January, Channel 4 News has been reporting the plight of the Windrush kids. They came to UK as children, attended British schools, worked British jobs and built British lives. Now thousands of people who arrived in the UK decades ago – in the first wave of Commonwealth immigration in the 1950s and 60s – are living with the threat of deportation.

  • 9 Mar 2018

    Former Russian spy Sergei Skripal in hospital after exposure to what is believed to be a nerve agent. There’s no conclusive evidence yet to tell us who’s responsible. But this isn’t the first time that someone with links to the Kremlin has been attacked on British soil.

  • 4 Feb 2018

    The Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, has hit back at Conservative Brexiteers saying she had a “surprise” for them – claiming ministers were more united than critics realised. But Eurosceptics are warning that any deal which keeps Britian inside a customs union would be unacceptable.

  • 19 Oct 2017

    Transcripts from the House of Commons can be quietly edited if politicians’ claims are proved wrong. But the public rarely hears an apology. Here are ten incorrect claims we discovered which were made by government ministers. They were all corrected afterwards – but often not for weeks.

  • 6 Oct 2017

    Our Senior Home Affairs Correspondent Simon Israel has given unique and detailed scrutiny to the issue of deaths in custody. He’s spoken extensively to the families of men who have killed themselves or died in prisons, or police cells – and looked into how these events are investigated in the aftermath. These are his key…

  • 27 Sep 2017

    Corbyn hero worshipped by delegates as he sets out policies of the newly radical Labour party

    At times Mr Corbyn couldn’t get more than a couple of sentences out without a burst of applause.

  • 7 Sep 2017

    Brexit Bill in the Commons – but big developments outside too

    The President of the European Parliament has suggested that Brexit should probably be dropped from the October European Council agenda. Some Whitehall officials seem resigned to the October deadline being missed, despite warnings to Cabinet colleagues from the Chancellor that Brexit negotiations needed to give business clarity on the transition arrangements soon to avoid damaging…

  • 6 Sep 2017

    Leaked Brexit paper: who’s in charge now?

    The Guardian’s document is a draft of a White Paper that No. 10 had hoped would be published in final form about now, spelling out UK immigration policy post Brexit. The fact that we are seeing a leaked version and not the final published one tells you that the PM has not got wider Cabinet approval to publish it. The signs are, I hear, we are still some way from such a document being published.

  • 4 Sep 2017

    When Theresa May was Home Secretary in 2015, she met families of men who had died in police custody. She was so moved that she demanded that the Home Office investigate. Its report was completed at the beginning of this year and was due to be published this week, but now the Home Office has…

  • 30 Jul 2017

    The Grenfell tragedy is on a scale not seen for decades in the United Kingdom. It has exposed acute divisions in society, dangerous weaknesses in social housing, planning, and fire regulations, and a gaping lack of trust between some of the most vulnerable and the authorities charged with looking after them.

  • 21 Jul 2017

    Parliament has published its register of MPs’ financial interests for the first time since the election. An analysis by FactCheck shows that 123 MPs earn extra money by renting out homes and private property. Landlord MPs account for almost a fifth of all MPs. Their properties include houses, flats, farms, holiday cottages and shops. The MPs include chancellor…

  • 19 Jun 2017

    361 days ago, Britain went to the ballot box to decide whether we should be the first member state to leave the European Union. 52 per cent of those that turned up chose to leave. Today is the first official day of divorce proceedings, after 44 years of rocky marriage. And like any break-up, it’ll…

  • 7 Jun 2017

    The Wikileaks files suggest there have been western efforts to “bring pressure” on Saudi Arabia to end its support for ISIS.