Search results for ‘iraq’

1,842 items found

  • 27 Nov 2009

    Iraq war inquiry: a look back at week one of Sir John Chilcot’s investigation into the events which led to the conflict, through the eyes and ears of the Channel 4 News Iraq inquiry blogger.

  • 27 Nov 2009

    Day four of Sir John Chilcot’s Iraq inquiry sees the appearance of Sir Jeremy Greenstock, UK ambassador to the United Nations in the run-up to the decision to go to war.

  • 26 Nov 2009

    Iraq war inquiry day three throws up a few gremlins and evidence that Bush and Blair may have agreed on the invasion at private talks in Texas 11 months before the war began, writes the Iraq Inquiry blogger for Channel 4 News.

  • 26 Nov 2009

    Sir John Chilcot’s Iraq wat inquiry enters day three as Sir Christopher Meyer takes to the stand as key witness, writes the Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry Blogger.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    The Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry Blogger looks at the press reactin to the first day at the Iraq Inquiry.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    The Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry blogger says there has been a flurry of excitement among journalists as details emerge about intelligence concerning Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons plan, received on the eve of the conflict led by Tony Blair and George W Bush.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    The Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry blogger says there has been a flurry of excitement among journalists as details emerge about intelligence concerning Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons plan, received on the eve of the conflict led by Tony Blair and George W Bush.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    At the Iraq war inquiry led by Sir John Chilcot, two Whitehall witnesses “look drained” as they recall the debate over weapons of mass destruction (WMD), writes Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry Blogger.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    The Iraq inquiry is light on documents. Here’s why

    Most of the damage done to the government in the Hutton inquiry came from the documents, memos, emails, draft diaries, government papers, that poured out every day.

  • 25 Nov 2009

    Day two of the Iraq War Inquiry led by Sir John Chilcot will focus on weapons of mass destruction and how the US/UK coalition shifted from “containment” policies to regime change, writes the Channel 4 News Iraq Inquiry Blogger.

  • 24 Nov 2009

    Iraq inquiry light on documents

    Channel 4 News Political correspondent Gary Gibbon says the Iraq Inquiry so far has not unearthed as many documents as the Hutton Inquiry did.

  • 24 Nov 2009

    Lunch break at the inquiry and the Fourth Estate gather to discuss what “The Story” currently looks like being. Several journalists say they’re going with the internal Foreign Office “options paper” that Sir William Patey mentioned this morning. Although the former head of the Middle East department made clear that regime change was just one…

  • 24 Nov 2009

    Iraq inquiry WILL consider the legality of the war

    Sir John Chilcot insisted he would be passing judgement on the legality of war but wouldn’t come to all that till the 2010 sessions.

  • 24 Nov 2009

    Here in the press room next door to the inquiry chamber – hacks aren’t allowed to take electronic equipment inside, so must of us are camped out in front of plasma screens showing the proceedings – there’s a somewhat peculiar atmosphere. The Q&A thus far has been perfectly friendly, clubbable even, and here, now, today…

  • 24 Nov 2009

    Some quick background on how the inquiry’s going to operate. The five-strong committee led by Sir John Chilcot was appointed by the Prime Minister this summer after the announcement that British military operations in Iraq had effectively ended finished. Despite being selected by the government, Sir John has vowed that the committee will be fair,…