Search results for ‘washington’

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  • 22 Aug 2018

    Mr Trump’s former personal lawyer has pleaded guilty to eight charges in total – including causing an unlawful campaign contribution.

  • 21 Aug 2018

    In Washington, Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt has been urging Europe to follow America’s lead, imposing further sanctions on Russia. Mr Hunt accused Moscow of “malign behaviour” around the world, but Russia’s Foreign Minister claimed Britain was being arrogant by trying to tell Europe what to do when it’s on the verge of leaving the EU altogether.

  • 13 Aug 2018

    They had planned to march on Washington DC … white nationalists displaying a show of force, to mark one year since their violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.They had planned to march on Washington DC. White nationalists displaying a show of force, to mark one year since their violent rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. But just a handful turned up for last night’s ‘Unite The Right’ demonstration – overwhelmed by thousands of counter-protesters.

  • 12 Aug 2018

    The former White House staffer Omarosa Manigault Newman has claimed the Trump administration is “one where everybody lies” – and released a secret tape she recorded of Chief of Staff John Kelly as he fired her from her job inside the Situation Room. Earlier, President Trump described Ms Newman as “lowlife” – after she described…

  • 7 Aug 2018

    Rick Gates, a high-ranking former member of Trump’s campaign team, has admitted in federal court that he committed financial crimes with his former boss, Paul Manafort.  

  • 1 Aug 2018

    The remains of more than 50 American soldiers, who died during the Korean War, are being flown back to the United States after a formal ceremony at a south Korean airbase. The repatriation is part of the agreement made last month between President Trump and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un, but comes as new…

  • 20 Jul 2018

    Welcome to the White House, Vladimir Putin. That came as a total surprise to his top security officials, as Donald Trump issued an impromptu invitation to the Russian President to visit Washington. After a week of daily conflicting statements, Mr Trump declared the two leaders “get along well”, although he insisted if things went wrong…

  • 13 Jul 2018

    Donald Trump and Theresa May gave a joint press conference at the Prime Minister’s Chequers retreat today.

  • 2 Jun 2018

    Susan Danger is from the American Chamber of Commerce to the EU in Brussels, and Robert Scott is from the Economic Policy Institute in Washington.

  • 30 May 2018

    Hawaii’s erupting Kilauea volcano has now claimed more than 70 homes, and belched tens of thousands of tonnes of ash and noxious fumes into the air. Every night, it puts on a spectacular – and terrifying – show with powerful fountains of lava lighting up the sky.  After weeks of eruptions and lava flows, there are increased worries…

  • 24 May 2018

    Joining me over the internet from Washington is Mark Fitzpatrick from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. He’s written extensively on North Korea’s nuclear programme.

  • 10 May 2018

    President Trump has claimed that Iran is the world’s “leading state sponsor of terror”. But is that fair? Before he became president, Trump said the “world’s biggest funder of terrorism” was Saudi Arabia – not Iran. So is his latest claim is just political rhetoric?

  • 8 May 2018

    Fresh from his Washington trip, the Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson, has criticised Downing Street’s favoured proposal for a post-Brexit customs partnership. “Crazy” was the epithet he chose to describe the plan. On top of that, a vote in the House of Lords further threatens to derail the government’s hopes of a smooth journey to Brexit…

  • 7 May 2018

    Boris Johnson has pleaded with President Trump not to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” by rejecting the Iran nuclear agreement. He’s on a trip to Washington with the goal of keeping the U.S. in the deal as it comes up for re-certification. The President has – in the past – described the international…

  • 6 May 2018

    An “historic regret”. That, according to Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani, would be the consequence if America pulls out of the nuclear deal. But the Israeli President Benjamin Netanyahu deployed the exact same rhetoric used by Donald Trump – calling the 2015 agreement a “horrible deal”. It’s that kind of international intransigence Boris Johnson is attempting…