Search results for ‘Ministry of Defence’

606 items found

  • 24 Oct 2010

    The MoD has joined the US in condemning Wikileaks for the largest ever leak of classified files, as human rights campaigners call for an investigation into thousands of unreported civilian deaths.

  • 22 Oct 2010

    A nuclear-powered submarine, the Royal Navy’s HMS Astute, is towed free after running aground on a shingle bank near the Isle of Skye.

  • 20 Oct 2010

    The full scale of spending cuts will be unveiled today when Chancellor George Osborne outlines the details of the government’s comprehensive spending review.

  • 17 Oct 2010

    A Channel 4 News investigation has discovered that the conviction rate for rape investigations in the military justice system is less than half that of the civilian system.

  • 10 Oct 2010

    The father of a Red Cap killed by a mob in the Iraq war has told Channel 4 News “this is the gratitude Iraq has shown us” after a judge in Baghdad dropped charges against two accused men.

  • 7 Oct 2010

    CutsCheck is getting wind that George Osborne is launching a new drive to sell state-owned assets as he scrambles to bring Britain’s deficit under control.

  • 6 Oct 2010

    Lt Mark Evison’s mother Margaret Evison explains to Channel 4 News that she wants Mark’s story to help British soldiers receive the vital equipment they need to fight in the Afghanistan war.

  • 6 Oct 2010

    Cuts to defence are unavoidable, Liam Fox says, but the Trident nuclear deterrent will go ahead and veterans will get more support – a “welcome, albeit small, step”, one charity tells Channel 4 News.

  • 5 Oct 2010

    Exclusive: the mother of British officer Mark Evison killed by the Taliban in Afghanistan tells Channel 4 News she wants the world to see the video showing the moments leading up to her son’s death.

  • 5 Oct 2010

    Exclusive: Channel 4 News publishes a letter written to Lt Evison’s mother by his commanding officer, Lt Col Rupert Thorneloe, the highest ranking soldier to die in the Afghanistan war.

  • 4 Oct 2010

    Political analyst Peter McHugh previews the headline acts at this year’s Conservative Party conference, as David Cameron attempts to make the coalition and its cuts more “palatable”.

  • 16 Sep 2010

    Channel 4 News FactCheck looks at what it would cost the government to delay a decision on replacing the Trident nuclear deterrent

  • 16 Sep 2010

    The government denies plans to delay a decision on a replacement for the Trident nuclear deterrent, as a Channel 4 News FactCheck finds there would be extra costs involved if it were to do so.

  • 15 Sep 2010

    As MPs warn the strategic defence review may harm Britain’s ability to defend itself, Channel 4 News Science Correspondent Julian Rush writes there is now a genuine debate about its nuclear deterrent.

  • 13 Sep 2010

    George Osborne is called on for an emergency debate questioning the government’s programme of cuts, as the spectre of collective union strikes rises on the back of the TUC’s meeting in Manchester.