Search results for ‘William Hague’

616 items found

  • 24 Oct 2011

    MPs reject a call for a referendum on Europe – but rebels voting against the government have dealt Prime Minister David Cameron a major blow to his authority.

  • 17 Oct 2011

    Fighters for Libya’s new regime enter the town of Bani Walid, one of the last strongholds of forces loyal to former leader Muammar Gaddafi.

  • 16 Oct 2011

    The Police and Electoral Commission have both been asked to investigate the issues around Liam Fox and his unofficial adviser Adam Werrity.

  • 14 Oct 2011

    Who told Fox his time was up?

    Today, the PM has made it clear that he didn’t try to talk Dr Fox into resigning. His spokesman is even saying that the PM said something along the lines of “are you sure?” when Dr Fox surprised him with his phone call saying he’d decided to go at around 2.30pm. I wonder how surprised he was.

  • 14 Oct 2011

    Channel 4 News looks at the career of the former Defence Secretary who has resigned following days of increasing scrutiny and questions over his relationship with his friend Adam Werritty.

  • 14 Oct 2011

    In the wake of Dr Fox’s resignation, foreign affairs correspondent Jonathan Miller reveals the links with private interests that allowed Dr Fox to run what some called ‘a shadow foreign policy’.

  • 13 Oct 2011

    As the NTC claims that the conflict in Libya is drawing to a conclusion, Channel 4 News understands that fighting continues in major cities previously said to have been captured.

  • 10 Oct 2011

    Egypt’s ruling military have today been criticised for their violent handling of a Coptic Christian protest, as the suspected death toll in Cairo rises to 25.

  • 6 Oct 2011

    Justice Secretary Ken Clarke says he regrets his “colourful language” when he accused Home Secretary Theresa May of making “laughable and childlike” comments about the human rights act.

  • 5 Oct 2011

    The Conservatives round off conference season with their annual gathering in Manchester. Follow the live blog for latest updates, video and comment from the Channel 4 News team.

  • 5 Oct 2011

    Lobbying for changes to the PM’s big speech

    No. 10 was busy last night trying (unsuccessfully) to avoid the “cut your credit card up” headlines previewing the PM’s speech here this afternoon. The priority for this conference was to acknowledge that the Euro crisis was a central concern but Europe as a topic must not dominate proceedings the way it always used to.

  • 29 Sep 2011

    Twenty doctors have been jailed for stealing medicine and stockpiling weapons during unrest in Bahrain this year. They have denied the charges.

  • 28 Sep 2011

    A plane chartered by the British Government to return failed asylum seekers to Sri Lanka has landed in Colombo following the failure of last-minute legal efforts to prevent it leaving.

  • 24 Sep 2011

    Miliband agrees deal with the trade unions

    Up here in Liverpool, Ed Miliband is on the point of announcing a compromise deal with the trade unions on how you get “registered supporters” involved in electing Labour’s leader.

  • 20 Sep 2011

    As Palestinian negotiators head to the United Nations to push their bid for formal recognition as a state, Jonathan Rugman reports on Palestinians celebrating in the streets in anticipation.