Search results for ‘egypt military’

411 items found

  • 29 Nov 2010

    An Iranian scientist who was killed in a bomb explosion in Tehran today was on an Iranian UNESCO team, Channel 4 News has learned.

  • 23 Nov 2010

    Today’s exchange of fire highlights increasingly sour relations between North and South Korea but of more concern is the possible size and viability of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal.

  • 20 Apr 2010

    A perusal of the manifestos suggests that during Thursday’s debate on foreign policy and defence, Gordon Brown won’t be saying “I agree with Nick” very often. The phrase “I agree with David” may not pass Mr Brown’s lips but – with the exception of policy on Europe – the two bigger parties have more in…

  • 5 Oct 2009

    The International Atomic Energy Agency does not want to be held responsible for starting a war. The IAEA and its director, Mohamed El Baradei, jointly won the Nobel peace prize in 2005 for their “efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy, for peaceful purposes, is…

  • 10 Jul 2009

    I am losing count of the Gs. Yesterday we had the G8 + G5 (including China and India) + 1. The 1 was Egypt. Today we have the G8 + 9 + 7, which includes African nations and international institutions like the UN, but perhaps we should take away 1 from that list – so…

  • 26 Mar 2009

    Sudan’s president, Omar Hassan al-Bashir must be on Red Bull – or maybe it just takes an indictment from the International Criminal Court to give you wings. Eritrea on Monday. Yesterday, embraced by President Hosni Mubarak in Cairo. Today, it was reported he was off to Ethiopia, before he actually turned up in Libya for…