Search results for ‘Obama’

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  • 11 Jan 2017

    Jessica Ashooh, from the think tank, the Atlantic Council, and Suzan Johnson Cook, a former adviser to Barack Obama.

  • 11 Jan 2017

    He’s still the President, just. Last night Barack Obama went back to his political roots in Chicago and bid his farewell.

  • 8 Jan 2017

    The US president says his successor has not spent a lot of time “sweating the details” of policy.

  • 6 Jan 2017

    When she became America’s first black First Lady, Michelle Obama made history.

  • 21 Dec 2016

    It’s less than a month now before climate change sceptic Donald Trump takes over the White House.He won the US presidential election partly on a platform of using more fossil fuels with fewer environmental rules. Now President Obama has announced climate protections which his successor might not be able to reverse.

  • 16 Dec 2016

    The US president-elect Donald Trump has again dismissed any suggestions that Russia tried to swing the election in his favour. President Obama warned of retaliation against any attempt to interfere with the integrity of the poll, saying Vladimir Putin was “well aware” of his feelings.

  • 5 Dec 2016

    The Obama Administration has said relations with China could be undermined following last week’s telephone call between President-elect Donald Trump and the Taiwanese President.

  • 17 Nov 2016

    It’s his “farewell tour” of Europe. But Barack Obama was keen to use his last appearance alongside the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, to put down a marker for his successor, warning Donald Trump to be ready to stand up to Russia if needed. Speaking in Berlin, the President said that Mrs Merkel had been his…

  • 15 Nov 2016

    As Russia resumed its attacks on Syria, Barack Obama flew into Europe on his final visit of his Presidency.

  • 10 Nov 2016

    After many months of brutal criticism, a more civil discussion. The Republican President-elect meets the current President for the first time.

  • 3 Nov 2016

    Barack Obama, the crying girls and the presidency to come

    Two women with contrasting feelings eight years on. But both equally sceptical of the next Presidency to come.

  • 2 Nov 2016

    Two young black women who voted for Obama for the first time in 2008 have very different opinions of whether he was a good president for race relations and for the USA.

  • 7 Sep 2016

    The south-east Asian summit in Laos has been overshadowed by a row after the Philippines president, Rodrigo Duterte, referred to Mr Obama as a “son of a whore”. He later claimed it wasn’t personal, but the US team called off a planned meeting between the two men. This report contains strong language throughout.

  • 22 Apr 2016

    US President Barack Obama uses a trip to the UK to argue that the world benefits from Britain’s membership of the EU.

  • 5 Jan 2016

    To many, Obama is ‘assaulting the values of the Founding Fathers’

    Obama, to European eyes, is merely tinkering with the small print, the very edges of ingrained national violence which produces stats a minor civil war would be familiar with.