Search results for ‘Pope Benedict’

92 items found

  • 13 Aug 2012

    Pope Benedict’s former butler Paolo Gabriele, who was arrested last May after documents alleging corruption in the Vatican were leaked, is ordered to stand trial on charges of aggravated theft.

  • 1 May 2011

    The late Pope John Paul II moves a step closer to sainthood and is officially beatified at the Vatican before a crowd of over a million people, the largest in Rome since his funeral six years ago.

  • 21 Nov 2010

    The Pope says the use of condoms may sometimes be justified to stop the spread of AIDS and in other situations – a “welcome” clarification, says one young Catholic who spoke to Channel 4 News.

  • 19 Sep 2010

    Away from diplomacy, politics and PR (it is a state visit remember) today being Sunday is the religious climax of the trip. I’m in Cofton Park, Birmingham where around 55,000 turned out to see Pope Benedict XVI perform his first beatification since becoming Pope in 2005, of Cardinal John Henry Newman. The beatification comes amid…

  • 18 Sep 2010

    Say what you will, they’ve certainly been lucky with the weather where Hyde Park’s doing a good job of living up to still, sunny, Bellahouston Park, in Glasgow, on Thursday.

  • 18 Sep 2010

    Pope Benedict meets victims and acknowledges the “shame and humiliation” of the child abuse scandal felt by “all of us” within the Catholic church – as thousands fill Hyde Park to greet His Holiness.

  • 17 Sep 2010

    Six men have been arrested in London over a potential threat to the Pope who spent the day in London on his first-ever state visit to the UK.

  • 17 Sep 2010

    Paschal Uche will welcome the Pope on behalf of Britain’s young people outside Westminster Cathedral on Saturday. The 21-year old has been telling Channel 4 News he feels “happy and humbled”.

  • 16 Sep 2010

    Pope Benedict XVI has arrived in Scotland to begin the first-ever papal state visit to the UK. Here’s what happened this morning.

  • 16 Sep 2010

    Wellwishers turning out to see Pope Benedict in Edinburgh today have seen him travel in one of the two sleek German-made Popemobiles that have been imported in from the Vatican for the tour.

  • 16 Sep 2010

    As the Pope criticises Britain’s “aggressive secularism”, Catholic Madeleine Teahan writes for Channel 4 News that people should give him a chance, or face betraying the UK sense of tolerance.

  • 15 Sep 2010

    Why Benedict is no John Paul

    The spirit of uplift and renewal conjured up by Pope John Paul II when he came to the UK in 1982 seems unlikely this week when Pope Benedict XVI visits these shores, blogs Jon Snow.

  • 14 Sep 2010

    Days before the Pope arrives in the UK for his state visit, event organiser Lord Patten tells Channel 4 News the allegations have left an “appalling stain on the Catholic church”.

  • 14 Sep 2010

    Two of the special bullet-proofed Popemobile cars have arrived in the UK, ahead of this week’s state visit in which thousands of pilgrims are expected to turn out to see Pope Benedict XVI.

  • 9 Sep 2010

    Officers say the Pope’s visit to Britain will be met with an unprecedented police operation across the UK. Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson speaks to the people tasked with policing the Pope.