Search results for ‘Robert Mugabe’

78 items found

  • 21 Jan 2019

    We speak to Zimbabwean journalist Violet Gonda, whose journalism saw her barred from her home country for many years by former President Robert Mugabe.

  • 3 Aug 2013

    Zimbabwe Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai rejects an election result giving victory to President Robert Mugabe and says he would exhaust all legal remedies to challenge it.

  • 1 Aug 2013

    Morgan Tsvangirai, Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader, has dismissed Robert Mugabe’s claims to victory in the country’s general election as a “farce”, insisting the results are null and void.

  • 31 Jul 2013

    Zimbabweans flock to polling stations to decide if Robert Mugabe, who has vowed he will step down if he loses, will extend his 33-year-long presidency.

  • 23 Sep 2020

    The Zimbabwean novelist Tsitsi Dangarembga almost didn’t get published at all. But even though her debut novel – when it finally came out – attracted international acclaim, publishing the next two still wasn’t easy. 

  • 6 Sep 2019

    We spoke to Violet Gonda, another Zimbabwean journalist who spent years in exile.

  • 1 Jul 2019

    As protesters in Sudan have been counting the dead in yesterday’s demonstrations, it’s emerged that the country’s military leaders have signed a lobbying deal with a notorious international fixer.

  • 13 Feb 2019

    Human rights campaigners and immigration lawyers have raised concerns about the deportation of Zimbabwean citizens who fled to the UK during the regime of Robert Mugabe. Marian Machekanyanga worked for the government in Zimbabwe under Robert Mugabe. After exposing government corruption, she says she feared for her life, fleeing to the UK 16 years ago in search of asylum…

  • 3 Aug 2018

    In Zimbabwe, Nelson Chamisa’s MDC Alliance party continues to claim Monday’s presidential election was “stolen” and “fraudulent” after Emmerson Mnangagwa was declared winner with just over 50% of the vote. The first elected head of state since Robert Mugabe’s removal from power in November last year, today called on Zimbabweans to unite after an election marred by…

  • 30 Jul 2018

    For the first time ever, Robert Mugabe has not been an election candidate in Zimbabwe. Polls have just closed there in the first full presidential and parliamentary contest since the country’s long serving ruler was ousted. Mr Mugabe – who was in power for 37 years – has announced he would not be voting for…

  • 28 Jul 2018

    Zimbabwe’s President Emmerson Mnangagwa has promised his supporters a “thunderous victory” – as he and his main rival Nelson Chamisa held their final rallies ahead of Monday’s elections. It’s the first time the country will go to the polls since longtime dictator Robert Mugabe was removed from power, so will the vote be free and fair? Jessica Savage reports.

  • 6 Feb 2018

    Jon Snow on his return to Zimbabwe  

    He threw me out in the eighties, and until now I had never been back. I thought it wise to wait until the old man had been dethroned, or had died. African potentates don’t come much worse than Bob Mugabe. A man who blew his formidable intellect in the pursuit of absolute power. One tends to forget his four or…

  • 24 Nov 2017

    Zimbabwe’s new President Emmerson Mnangagwa has been sworn in, telling tens of thousands of enthusiastic supporters at his inauguration that he was “deeply humbled”. Despite serving as Robert Mugabe’s right-hand man for most of his career, he was loudly cheered as he promised free and fair elections would be held next year, declaring he would…

  • 22 Nov 2017

    If it took two decades for Mladic to account for his crimes, many are wondering if Robert Mugabe will ever be called to defend the alleged atrocities of his time in office in Zimbabwe. The deputy he sacked is also accused of involvement in those abuses, but Emmerson Mnangagwa, also known as “the crocodile”, is…

  • 15 Nov 2017

    Welcome to the new Zimbabwe!

    It’s a lot like the old one from before – so said a friend in Harare as news spread that what is called a “bloodless correction” has restored Zimbabwe’s Chimurenga – struggle or war vet generation to supremacy.