Search results for ‘Srebrenica’

51 items found

  • 3 Jun 2011

    Ratko Mladic will be formally charged with genocide when he faces a war crimes tribunal for the first time at The Hague. His lawyer says he’s been treated in a prison hospital.

  • 3 Jun 2011

    Ratko Mladic begins his trial at The Hague accused of 11 crimes, including genocide. Channel 4 News Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson is in court to witness the start of the trial.

  • 2 Jun 2011

    As Ratko Mladic is finally brought before the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague, Anthony Tucker-Jones – a former Defence Intelligence official – looks at the failures of the West in the Balkans.

  • 31 May 2011

    Former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic, flown to Rotterdam on Tuesday to face a war crimes tribunal in The Hague, has spent his first night in custody.

  • 31 May 2011

    A Serbian court rejects an appeal against the extradition of Ratko Mladic, allowing the former Bosnian-Serb general to be tried in the Hague for war crimes.

  • 30 May 2011

    Former Bosnian Serb army general Ratko Mladic could be sent to The Hague within four days to face charges of genocide, yet today his lawyer appealed against his extradition.

  • 27 May 2011

    As Ratko Mladic is deemed fit to stand trial at The Hague, the Serbian Interior Minister tells Channel 4 News his arrest was “the same as the Americans finding bin Laden”.

  • 27 May 2011

    Ratko Mladic is fit to be extradited to the United Nations war crimes tribunal in The Hague, according to a judge. Mladic’s lawyer says he will appeal the decision on Monday.

  • 26 May 2011

    He got up, shook hands – then attempted the first of what would be many bear hugs of that meeting – Alex Thomson recalls his interview with Ratko Mladic in 1995.

  • 26 May 2011

    The arrest of Ratko Mladic – indicted for his role in the siege of Sarajevo and the Srebrenica massacre – is a significant moment in Balkan history. Channel 4 News looks at why.

  • 26 May 2011

    Mladic, one of the last cards in the pack of wanted Balkan war criminals, will face justice before the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia. What can the ICC learn from this?

  • 26 May 2011

    Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson talks to General Ratko Mladic in September 1995, where he denies Bosnian-Serb forces massacred civilians in Sarajevo and Srebrenica.

  • 26 May 2011

    The arrest of Ratko Mladic is a “huge moment”, former Prime Minister Tony Blair tells Channel 4 News, as the 16-year hunt for the Bosnian war crimes suspect draws to an end.

  • 21 Apr 2011

    A UN report on the Sri Lanka war is delayed as the Sri Lankan Government warns it has gone too far. A key player in the Sri Lankan reconciliation process tells Channel 4 News the report is “vulgar”.

  • 20 Apr 2011

    Channel 4 News obtains exclusive footage from the “closed off”corner of northern Sri Lanka, showing evidence of camps, repression and abuse, ahead of the publication of the UN’s report on war crimes.