Search results for ‘UK Weather’

1,183 items found

  • 19 Jul 2014

    Travellers are facing disappointment as flights are cancelled at Heathrow airport after storms are forecast to hit Britain. Flood warnings have also been put in place as heavy rainfall is predicted.

  • 13 Feb 2014

    Thousands of properties are still without power and train lines suffer continued disruption. But as the weather looks set to worsen, some residents are complaining of being charged for sandbags.

  • 28 Jun 2013

    The National Trust has warned that the cold and unsettled weather during the first part of this year has caused chaos for nature and wildlife.

  • 4 Jun 2013

    From Cuba to the UK in a week – journey of a weather system

    At the moment, all eyes are on the Gulf of Mexico, where a cluster of thunderstorms is being monitored by the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

  • 22 Mar 2013

    We are in the grip of a long, cold winter, and UK gas supplies are feeling the strain – but the National Grid says the prospect of running out of gas is “nonsense”, writes Tom Clarke.

  • 3 Jan 2013

    Scientists say that recent years of wet weather are concrete evidence of the effects of man-made climate change, and more extreme weather will now be the norm in the UK.

  • 8 Jun 2012

    A deep area of low pressure has brought unseasonably stormy weather to some parts of the UK during the last 24 hours, with Wales and southern England bearing the brunt of the wet and windy conditions.

  • 8 Apr 2012

    Britain’s Easter weekend looks set to end in a washout with strong winds and rain expected to lash most parts of the country over the coming days, according to forecasters.

  • 29 Sep 2011

    The heat is on across the UK as temperatures reach record-breaking levels. But it isn’t necessarily climate change – just the “wacky British weather”, a Met Office spokeswoman tells Channel 4 News.

  • 21 Dec 2010

    What does the weather mean for UK Plc?

    Snow chaos and the UK economy: I would suggest what I learned in my Economics A-level class – “psychology and timing are everything when it comes to management of an economy”, Jon Snow blogs.

  • 20 Dec 2010

    #101beattheweather: Soup, salt, tights, chilli flakes and more. Fed up with the winter weather? Channel 4 News tweeters have practical – and unusual – tips for beating the current cold snap.

  • 16 Dec 2010

    Severe weather warnings are in place across the UK which could trigger serious travel problems at the weekend as the Met Office tells Channel 4 News 20cm of snow could fall in places on Friday night.

  • 2 Dec 2010

    As the country struggles to cope with the onslaught of winter weather, Channel 4 News visits the streets of Kent to find snow-capped roads and a peculiar rise in the sale of wild bird seed.

  • 2 Dec 2010

    As the country struggles to cope with the onslaught of winter weather, Channel 4 News visits the streets of Kent to find snow-capped roads and a peculiar rise in the sale of wild bird seed.

  • 1 Dec 2010

    Snow and freezing temperatures are causing more travel problems. Gatwick and Edinburgh Airports are closed. The Met Office weather forecast says the harsh conditions are here until Friday at best.