Search results for ‘University Minister David Willetts’

39 items found

  • 29 Nov 2010

    More than 100 Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidates sign a petition calling on the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, to oppose a rise in university tuition fees.

  • 10 Nov 2010

    Protesters and police officers have been taken to hospital with minor injuries after trouble flared at a mass demonstration against tuition fees in London.

  • 10 Nov 2010

    Hundreds of student protesters have clashed with police during a rally against higher tuition fees in London. They broke into Conservative HQ, smashing windows and wrecking a lobby.

  • 3 Nov 2010

    Universities Minister David Willetts unveils plans to hike university tuition fees to up to £9,000, which Labour branded a “tragedy”. Gary Gibbon says many will welcome the only viable deal.

  • 14 Oct 2010

    The Conservative party is quietly redefining home ownership, writes Gaby Hinsliff, in a way which could help first time buyers but hit those relying on rising house prices to fund their lifestyles.

  • 11 Oct 2010

    Crunch Lib Dem MPs’ meeting

    Our Political Editor with the latest from the crunch meeting of Lib Dem MPs in Westminster tonight on the reform of university tuition fees.

  • 9 Oct 2010

    How would you like to begin your adult life with debts in excess of £40k? Writing for Channel 4 News, NUS President Aaron Porter urges Lord Browne to recall his own student days for the answer.

  • 19 Aug 2010

    David Willetts claims there are more people at university than ever before. Cathy Newman investigates.

  • 15 Aug 2010

    The claim “Graduates on average have better employment prospects and can expect to earn at least £100,000, net of tax, more than non-graduates across their working lives.” Universities and science minister David Willetts, commenting on The Push National Debt Survey, 13 August 2010 The background Students will owe nearly £25,000 when they graduate, a new…