Search results for ‘alcohol’

489 items found

  • 19 Jul 2013

    There has been a “worrying” increase in the number of women in their 30s and 40s who are dying from alcohol misuse, says a new report based on a study of women in Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester.

  • 17 Jul 2013

    As the government shelves plans for a minimum unit price for alcohol amid claims of lobbying, a Tory MP says that she fears “public health has been downgraded.”

  • 12 Jul 2013

    Ministers deny caving in to pressure from industry after the government delays plans for the introduction of plain packaging for cigarettes and minimum pricing for alcohol.

  • 22 May 2013

    Former slaughterhouse worker Mark Bridger, accused of abducting and murdering April Jones in a “sexually motivated” attack claims his heavy-drinking lifestyle affects his recollection of events.

  • 15 Mar 2013

    Eric Joyce, the Falkirk MP arrested after a second fight in one of the House of Commons bars, is barred from buying alcohol across all parliamentary premises.

  • 18 Feb 2013

    As doctors call for pregnant women to be tested for alcohol intake, Channel 4 News speaks to youngsters left permanently brain damaged by their mothers’ drinking.

  • 7 Feb 2013

    Increasing the price of alcohol by 10 per cent can cut drink-related deaths by a third and reduce the consumption of even heavy drinkers, a new study has found.

  • 28 Nov 2012

    The coalition unveils controversial plans to tackle “drunken mayhem” on Britain’s streets by introducing a higher-than-expected minimum alcohol price of 45p per unit.

  • 8 May 2012

    couple of days after the budget, with rows raging about the “granny tax” and George Osborne’s decision to help the super-rich by cutting the 50p rate, the PM had what seemed like a smart idea. Number 10 decided to bring forward plans to increase the price of cheap alcohol, to tackle binge drinking and what David Cameron called “the mayhem on our streets”. According to Mr Cameron cheap booze is causing a “scourge of violence” – a million violent crimes and more than a million hospital admissions each year. Setting a minimum unit price (MUP) would, he promised, provide “a big part of the answer”. But I’ve found out that just four days before he made his announcement, he’d been warned by one of his own ministers that the policy could well be illegal. Was the PM right to go ahead or should he have listened to his colleague?

  • 26 Mar 2012

    Why UK alcohol means cheap, tasty obliteration

    We have long known that cheap drink was the commercial battleground upon which to win supermarket patronage. We have long known that of every £8 spent in Britain, £1 was spent in one chain alone. Hence the power of the supermarkets to cower politicians into doing nothing has simply been one of our assumed political facts of life.

  • 23 Mar 2012

    “Analysts decided that a certain fraction of people who, say, fall over and twist their ankle, do so because they are drunk. Extensive anecdotal evidence collected by FactCheck suggests that may well be true.”

  • 23 Mar 2012

    David Cameron’s alcohol epiphany

    Interesting to see if it moves after the headlines yesterday. I was struck (not physically) at a pensioners’ line-dancing club in Lewisham yesterday by how few pensioners had actually bought a newspaper that day. They’d got their information off the TV news, formed a pretty dim view of what was going on but were, for the most part, not in open revolt.

  • 23 Mar 2012

    A minimum price per unit of alcohol is to be introduced in England and Wales alongside a ban on multi-buy discount deals.

  • 15 Feb 2012

    As David Cameron calls alcohol abuse the scandal of our society, Alcohol Concern tells Channel 4 News minimum pricing would save lives, but the industry claims it would not work.

  • 15 Feb 2012

    David Cameron is vowing to take on the “scandal” of public drunkenness and alcohol abuse that costs the NHS £2.7bn a year.