Search results for ‘arab spring’

298 items found

  • 26 Dec 2012

    What did we learn from 2012? Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson says that the war in Syria taught the world that the Arab Spring is much more complex that everyone thought.

  • 8 Oct 2012

    As one of the earliest countries to experience revolution in the Arab Spring, and one of the first to move towards stability, Egypt’s first leader post-Mubarak has been in the international spotlight.

  • 2 Jun 2012

    Former Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, is sentenced to life in prison for his role in the killing of hundreds of protesters in the first court ruling since the start of the Arab Spring.

  • 12 Mar 2012

    The Israel-Palestinian conflict has been simmering as usual while the world has been distracted by last year’s Arab Spring and its repercussions. But the changes in the region affect Israel and the Palestinians too

  • 5 Feb 2012

    Gene Sharp, whose writings have been credited with inspiring those behind the Arab Spring, tells Channel 4 News it is “suicidal” for Syrian protesters to fight the government’s army with weapons.

  • 24 Jan 2012

    With six weeks to go until Russia’s elections, Jonathan Rugman goes behind the scenes with three opposition groups in St Petersburg to explore whether Russia is preparing for its own Arab Spring.

  • 14 Jan 2012

    Tunisia is celebrating the first anniversary of the fall of Ben Ali, which sparked the Arab Spring and spread to the entire region. But with discontent still rife, where does Tunisia find itself now?

  • 10 Jan 2012

    A Tunisian protester who set himself on fire to protest against high unemployment has died in hospital. It comes almost exactly a year after a fruit seller’s self-immolation sparked the Arab Spring.

  • 26 Dec 2011

    We’ve been asking you who changed your world in 2011. With the Arab Spring, the “Occupy” movement and social media dominating – was it the year of crowd power?

  • 23 Dec 2011

    From the Arab Spring to the eurozone crisis, Channel 4 News casts an expert eye on the events that changed the world this year.

  • 28 Oct 2011

    The Islamist Ennahda party wins Tunisia’s first elections since the Arab Spring, amid protests in the centre of the country.

  • 25 Oct 2011

    The moderate Islamic Ennahda party has claimed victory saying it has won over 40 per cent of votes. Channel 4 News gauges reaction from the first democratic election of the Arab Spring.

  • 23 Sep 2011

    The Arab spring, Nato’s Libya campaign, and next year’s US elections are all factors affecting the Palestinian Authority’s move this week to press for recognition at the United Nations.

  • 22 Aug 2011

    I was about to say this has been the most intense and packed year for news I can remember. The Arab Spring, the English riots, the killing of Bin Laden, the Japanese Tsunami, the hacking scandal, global economic crises and much more besides has made 2011 feel bewildering, turbulent and exciting. But then I remembered 1991 (Moscow coup, collapse of the USSR, Croatian war) 2001 (George W Bush, British election, 911 attacks, Afghanistan war) and other years I start to wonder : is it the news or the way we see the news now?

  • 5 Aug 2011

    Channel 4 News talks to an Egyptian blogger as Twitter users attack the Vodafone “Shokran” campaign, reigniting the debate surrounding the actions of mobile phone firms during the Arab Spring.