Search results for ‘iraq’

1,839 items found

  • 24 Jun 2019

    Last month, I received a letter from a Swedish woman. She had seen an old news film shot in 1980, in which I had reported from the frontline of the Iran/Iraq war. She said my team had filmed a man, who then had been a young Iranian soldier languishing in an Iraqi prisoner of war…

  • 16 May 2019

    Foreign secretary Jeremy Hunt has said that the UK does share the US State Department’s assessment of the heightened threat from Iran – despite statements from a British General earlier this week that contradicted America’s claims.

  • 5 Mar 2019

    Thousands more people have left the last remaining area held by the Islamic State group in Syria.

  • 13 Nov 2017

    More than 400 people have been killed and thousands more injured after the deadliest earthquake this year struck on the border of Iran and Iraq. Rescue workers have been frantically trying to find hundreds of people still thought to be trapped under the rubble.

  • 16 Oct 2017

    Iraqi forces have marched into the centre of Kirkuk after seizing key installations from Kurdish forces, including an oil field and the airport. Despite a government order to avoid violence, some clashes have broken out, sending civilians fleeing the disputed city. Kirkuk has been controlled by the Kurds since 2014, but it’s officially part of…

  • 20 Aug 2017

    US-backed Iraqi forces have launched a major operation to retake the city of Tal Afar – one of the last cities still held by the Islamic State group in Iraq. The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has told IS fighters still in the city west of Mosul – they have a choice – ‘surrender or…

  • 6 Jul 2017

    David Eubank talks about his experience in Iraq.

  • 24 Apr 2017

    A prosecutor has accused a leading  human rights law firm and three of its solicitors of knowingly pursuing dishonest claims in a “substantial and lucrative operation”. Leigh Day faces 20 charges arising out of allegations that British soldiers had tortured, maimed and mutilated Iraqi detainees during the war.

  • 20 Apr 2017

    Two leading human rights lawyers face a tribunal next week over false claims against British soldiers during the Iraq war.

  • 5 Mar 2017

    US-backed Iraqi forces have launched a new offensive on Islamic State militants in the city of Mosul.

  • 10 Feb 2017

    Conservative MP and former Army captain Johnny Mercer, who chaired the parliamentary inquiry into the Iraq abuse claims investigation.

  • 10 Feb 2017

    It’s cost £60 million and taken more than six years, but the discredited government investigation into allegations against Iraq war veterans will be shut down “within months”.

  • 27 Jan 2017

    Isolation is becoming splendid again: not just for Donald Trump and his new doctrine of America first. Theresa May has also been drawing a line under foreign intervention to force regime change, saying there should be no more wars like Iraq.

  • 15 Jan 2017

    Iraqi troops backed by the United States have siezed control of Mosul university from so-called Islamic State militants.

  • 9 Jan 2017

    The three-month battle to recapture the city of Mosul, the last major stronghold of Islamic State militants in Iraq, is gathering pace.