Search results for ‘john prescott’

70 items found

  • 25 Jan 2012

    Former ministers flock to police commissioner jobs

    Channel 4 News Political Correspondent Michael Crick on the runners and riders for the police commissioner jobs.

  • 3 Jan 2012

    Rupert Murdoch joined the twittersphere at the weekend. But how do the media magnate’s businesses stand to gain from his tweets about politicians, the weather and domestic life?

  • 5 Aug 2011

    Speaking to Channel 4 News, Business Secretary Vince Cable hits back at criticisms that there is no one in charge of the British response to the burgeoning eurozone crisis.

  • 15 Jul 2011

    Reaction and analysis as Rebekah Brooks quits News International over phone-hacking, plus the rest of the day’s developments. Add your voice to the live blog or on Twitter #c4news.

  • 13 Jul 2011

    Rupert Murdoch withdraws his BSkyB takeover bid as David Cameron vows to end the “ugly chapter” of phone hacking. Here’s how the day unfolded.

  • 8 Jul 2011

    David Cameron addresses a press conference in the wake of the decision to close the News of the World, telling journalists he would have accepted Rebekah Brooks’s resignation.

  • 8 Jul 2011

    As Downing Street, the Met police and News International reel from the News of the World phone-hacking scandal, Channel 4 News asks if people power helped “keep the story alive”.

  • 23 Jun 2011

    Police investigating allegations of phone hacking at a national newspaper arrest a woman in Yorkshire on suspicion of conspiring to intercept voicemail messages.

  • 13 Jun 2011

    Blogger and academic Dr Rupa Huq tells Channel 4 News blogs should be taken with a “skip of salt” in the wake of the controversy over the blog Gay Girl in Damascus – written by a man in Scotland.

  • 11 May 2011

    can’t help wondering what Nick Clegg and David Cameron gave each other as anniversary gifts today. Last night I heard a clever suggestion from one wily operator for Dave’s present to Nick that could be just the thing for both sides : the Department of Health. Nick Clegg says the coalition is going to change after the election drubbing last week, and at the weekend he said the NHS was his absolute priority now. He even said that he would veto the bill if it didn’t meet his standards. He needs a big win, having lost AV and tuition fees.

  • 10 Apr 2011

    The News of the World prints a public apology to the victims of the phone-hacking scandal, promising to compensate individuals, as Sienna Miller vows to fight the “outrageous abuse” of her privacy.

  • 9 Apr 2011

    News International will pay out millions of pounds compensation to public figures over the News of the World phone hacking allegations. The scandal is “far from over”, says Tom Watson MP.

  • 15 Feb 2011

    The claim “We are using PFI to ensure value for money and that the public interest and public services are properly protected when we increase public investment.” Gordon Brown, The Times, September 26, 2002

  • 31 Jan 2011

    Bob Crow has asked police to investigate suspicions of phone-hacking. The RMT Union leader fears he may have been targeted by journalists between 2000 and the present day.

  • 27 Jan 2011

    The acting head of the Metropolitan Police faces questioning over the handling of phone-hacking allegations at the News of the World after a fresh criminal investigation is launched.