Search results for ‘national debt’

770 items found

  • 1 Aug 2011

    US Congress votes on President Obama’s last-minute deal to raise the US debt limit and avoid crisis. Channel 4 News asks if the delays have done lasting damage to Obama’s reputation.

  • 29 Jul 2011

    An exasperated White House press secretary asked reporters this week if they expected “a President Bartlet moment” — say, a march up Capitol Hill to whip Congress in line, à la fictional president in “The West Wing” television series. “Yes,” one reporter replied.

  • 21 Jul 2011

    Why a eurobond would solve the debt crisis

    The introduction of a eurobond would solve the eurozone debt crisis, blogs Faisal Islam – and would lead to “the phase fiscalisation of Europe”.

  • 19 Jul 2011

    Ahead of a crucial Eurozone meeting on Thursday, the International Monetary Fund has warned that Europe’s debt crisis could have a significant global impact if not resolved quickly.

  • 18 Jul 2011

    Europe’s leaders remain divided over how to respond to the debt crisis which threatens the very existence of the Euro. Three days before a summit they must agree a second bailout package for Greece.

  • 23 Jun 2011

    Wake up! Greek debt is NOT a bore

    Jon Snow on how the Greek financial crisis has the potential to affect every man, woman and child in the UK.

  • 20 Jun 2011

    As Greece battles to avoid defaulting on its debts, Channel 4 News Business Correspondent Siobhan Kennedy says the pain could only just be starting for the rest of Europe and the UK.

  • 18 Jun 2011

    As the leaders of Germany and France call for a new bailout for Greece, we examine the available options – from financial support and austerity measures to the nuclear option of a debt default.

  • 13 Apr 2011

    As the National Union of Students (NUS) prepares to announce its new President, students tell Channel 4 News tuition fees, debt and stress must be top of the agenda.

  • 11 Jan 2011

    The claim “…the deficit is…not high by either historical or contemporary standards” Len McCluskey elected head of Unite, The Guardian, December 19, 2010. “Of course there’s a deficit – we’re not deficit deniers.… the figures you’ve got are clearly not the figures that I’ve got” Len McCluskey, Radio 4’s Today programme, January 11, 2011. The…

  • 24 Nov 2010

    The Irish government prepares to publish a 15bn euro plan for drastic savings amid financial crisis. Economics Editor Faisal Islam looks at what is at stake for Ireland’s political class.

  • 22 Nov 2010

    Ireland debt: spelling out the spending cuts ahead

    Some details of the spending cuts are emerging. A 10 per cent cut in social welfare payments, a €1 cut to the minimum wage, 28,000 public sector job cuts have all been concretely reported here in Dublin.

  • 22 Nov 2010

    As Ireland negotiates terms of the multi-billion pound bailout, details of the government’s austerity measures emerge with welfare, jobs and minimum wage facing heavy cuts, writes Faisal Islam.

  • 18 Nov 2010

    Ireland moves closer to accepting an EU-backed bailout worth tens of billions of euros to stabilise the economy, though the Irish government says an agreement has not yet been finalised.

  • 17 Nov 2010

    Ireland debt: Osborne ponders bail-out

    I’ve just been talking to the Chancellor George Osborne at a briefing in Brussels after his lunch with fellow European finance ministers about the Irish debt question.