Search results for ‘Islam’

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  • 21 Sep 2017

    In Northern Syria, Kurdish and Arab forces have made major gains against the Islamic State in Raqqa, the capital of their purported Caliphate. The most significant Arab contingent fighting Isis comes from one of the largest tribes in the Middle East – the Shammar.

  • 12 Sep 2017

    We report from Raqqa: It was the capital of their self-styled caliphate for three years, the base from where the Islamic State terrorised the Middle East and planned violent atrocities across Europe. But now Isis may finally be about to be driven out.

  • 8 Sep 2017

    Syrian government forces have launched a new advance towards the besieged military airport in Deir Ezzor, in an effort to recapture the base from Islamic State militants. Russian and Syrian jets pounded the area overnight, targeting IS positions with more than 30 strikes.

  • 4 Sep 2017

    In Syria,  US-backed Kurdish forces have retaken Raqqa’s old city from Islamic State militants. US officials say their coalition forces have now taken control of two thirds of Raqqa, which was deemed to be the capital of the Islamic State group. The coalition forces said retaking the old city represented a crucial milestone, but it…

  • 28 Aug 2017

    Save The Children has called on all sides fighting the Islamic State group in the Syrian city of Raqqa to do all they can to allow civilians to leave safely. The charity says between 18,000 and 25,000 people are left in Raqqa, almost half of them children. Diana Magnay reports now on life in a…

  • 22 Aug 2017

    What on earth could drive young Britons to go to Syria and join the militant Islamic State group? That’s the question at the heart of the powerful Channel 4 drama, The State. It follows four people who leave behind their lives in Britain and travel to the heart of IS-controlled territory in Syria. Its award-winning…

  • 20 Aug 2017

    US-backed Iraqi forces have launched a major operation to retake the city of Tal Afar – one of the last cities still held by the Islamic State group in Iraq. The Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has told IS fighters still in the city west of Mosul – they have a choice – ‘surrender or…

  • 13 Jul 2017

    The Iraqi army declared victory over Islamic State fighters in Mosul earlier this week. But bombing continued to devastate the city and there are now reports emerging of Iraqi government forces killing suspected IS fighters who have surrendered. It is also becoming clear that many people are showing signs of malnutrition.

  • 11 Jul 2017

    The author and journalist Rania Abouzeid says Islamic State is the latest incarnation of previous Islamist groups, and while it has suffered territorial losses, it will revert back to being “vintage Islamic State of Iraq”.

  • 11 Jul 2017

    In Iraq, the second city, Mosul, has fallen, although there are still Islamic State forces in that country. So where are they and how strong are they?

  • 10 Jul 2017

    Defeated in Mosul, driven back in Syria, the last few days have brought fresh hope that the Islamic State forces are now finally on the back foot.

  • 7 Jul 2017

    The US and Russia have reached a ceasefire deal in south-west Syria, one they say could be replicated elsewhere in the country. But that won’t include Raqqa, where militants from the Islamic State group have been fighting back against advancing US-backed Kurdish and Arab forces, as they move closer to the centre. Tens of thousands…

  • 5 Jul 2017

    Fighting is intensifying around the city of Raqqa as government forces attempt to retake it from the so-called Islamic State.  It’s the group’s last stronghold in Syria and the city it proclaimed the capital of its caliphate three years ago.

  • 4 Jul 2017

    The Syrian war has taken a dramatic new turn, and it could signal the end of the Islamic State’s grip on much of the country. Their capital of Raqqa has been under attack from both pro-democracy rebels, backed by America, and the Syrian Government, backed mainly by Russia and Iran. But if there was a…

  • 29 Jun 2017

    Iraqi government forces have closed in on the al-Nuri mosque in Mosul’s old town, where the militant Islamic State group proclaimed its self-styled caliphate three years ago. It is the site of the historic hunchback minaret which was destroyed last week. Retaking the area represents a symbolic victory in the eight month battle for Iraq’s…