Search results for ‘Faisal Islam’

717 items found

  • 23 Mar 2011

    It’s Chancellor George Osborne’s first full Budget. But as the Government tries to balance growth with the “age of austerity”, what will it deliver? Channel 4 News speaks to the experts.

  • 10 Mar 2011

    Lord Hutton, author of a new report on public sector pension reform, tells Channel 4 News fairness is a key aim – but others say the system remains so unfair it will need another review in five years.

  • 22 Feb 2011

    Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi says he is not going to leave Libya and will “die here as a martyr” despite huge protests, as Channel 4 News looks at his defiance, and the ongoing violence.

  • 21 Feb 2011

    Colonel Gaddafi’s son vows the Libyan regime will fight until the “last man standing”, as an engineer in Tripoli tells Channel 4 News the city is shaking.

  • 19 Feb 2011

    As George Osborne meets the world’s 20 most powerful finance ministers in Paris, he tells Channel 4 News that British households are suffering as a crucial rebalancing of the economy takes place.

  • 9 Feb 2011

    The deal between the Government and the UK’s biggest banks on lending and bonuses, dubbed ‘Project Merlin’, could be announced today, sources close to the deal tell Channel 4 News.

  • 9 Feb 2011

    Lord Oakeshott has left his Treasury role “by mutual agreement” after criticising the Government’s Project Merlin bank deal. The departure was confirmed live on Channel 4 News by Danny Alexander.

  • 4 Feb 2011

    The claim “When Ed Miliband was born, his share of the national debt was under £600” The background Ed Miliband said in a speech on inter generational fairness today that the ‘British promise’ – his somewhat clunky version of the American Dream – is under threat.

  • 28 Jan 2011

    Chancellor George Osborne has defended his austerity plan to Channel 4 News saying that abandoning the deficit reduction plan, would drag the country “back into the danger zone”.

  • 28 Jan 2011

    Chancellor George Osborne has defended his austerity plan to Channel 4 News saying that abandoning the deficit reduction plan, would drag the country “back into the danger zone”.

  • 28 Jan 2011

    In his first speech as Prime Minister to the World Economic Forum in Davos, David Cameron insists that Britain will stick to the austerity measures and pledges a Budget for growth in the Spring.

  • 13 Jan 2011

    The claim “I do think there’s a very attractive idea of saying that as oil prices rise and as the Treasury potentially benefits from some revenue from those oil price rises… is there a way of sharing the pain of increased petrol prices between the motorist on the one hand and the Treasury on the…

  • 13 Jan 2011

    Petrol prices are predicted to reach an average of 136p a litre by Easter. One transport group tells Channel 4 News that rising prices at the pumps risk slowing down the economy at difficult time.

  • 9 Jan 2011

    Amid reports that RBS’s chief executive is in line for a £2.5m bonus, Prime Minister David Cameron says the state-owned bank should be leading the way in awarding smaller bonuses.

  • 4 Jan 2011

    Facebook: What's it REALLY worth?

    Jon ponders on the value of Facebook, Twitter, his blog – and himself.