Search results for ‘iraq’

1,842 items found

  • 10 May 2018

    President Trump has claimed that Iran is the world’s “leading state sponsor of terror”. But is that fair? Before he became president, Trump said the “world’s biggest funder of terrorism” was Saudi Arabia – not Iran. So is his latest claim is just political rhetoric?

  • 18 Apr 2018

    Jeremy Corbyn is calling for a War Powers Act to require the government to get parliamentary approval before military interventions. But would it actually achieve the accountability Labour want?

  • 17 Apr 2018

    Theresa May wins vote on Syria

    Theresa May is pushing back against the relatively new convention that governments should always ask Parliament before military action. Jeremy Corbyn wants to go further and make that convention a law.

  • 26 Mar 2018

    When a former Russian spy and his daughter were found slumped on a park bench in Salisbury, it wasn’t long before investigators started looking at the Kremlin with suspicion. But how strong is the UK’s evidence against Russia? And what do the experts think?

  • 16 Mar 2018

    An 18-year-old who came to this country from Iraq as a child asylum seeker has been convicted of attempted murder for placing a bomb which partially exploded on a packed London Underground train. He’d made the bomb at home, using materials he’d ordered on the internet and paid for with a voucher he’d won as…

  • 14 Mar 2018

    Corbyn refuses to toe May’s line on Russia

    Mr Corbyn’s spokesman, briefing reporters after the Commons exchanges, suggested that the Labour leader was not convinced that the intelligence pointed without question to the Russian state as perpetrator of the act.

  • 8 Mar 2018

    Footage of the horrifying moment when a fireball ripped through a London Underground carriage last September has been shown to jurors at the Old Bailey. Iraqi asylum seeker Ahmed Hassan is accused of leaving an improvised bomb on a train which then partially exploded at a station in the west of the capital. Today his…

  • 22 Jan 2018

    Military chief warns of Russia’s ‘eyewatering’ capability

    General Sir Nick Carter didn’t hold back as he warned of the threat of Russian military action. He said there were stark parallels between 1914 and how Russia might view things now.

  • 3 Nov 2017

    The Syrian army says it has recaptured the strategic city of Deir al-Zour. The city had been held by the extremist Islamic State group for the last three years and was its last major position in Syria after recently losing control of Raqqa. Iraqi forces say they’ve also seized control of a crucial border crossing…

  • 23 Oct 2017

    Retired Major General Paul Vallely, who lost his son in Iraq, discusses President Trump’s alleged remarks to a military widow.

  • 17 Oct 2017

    After a five-month onslaught backed by US airstrikes, the Syrian Democratic Forces say they have taken full control of Raqqa from the Islamic State. The western backed troops drove IS fighters from their last holdouts this morning, freeing the remaining civilians who had been trapped inside. IS’s capital was one of the final bastions of…

  • 8 Oct 2017

    Patriotism, duty and service. These are the themes of Last Flag Flying, a new film starring Bryan Cranston. We spoke to him about loyalty to one’s country – and to the commander-in-chief.

  • 26 Sep 2017

    The polls have closed in Northern Iraq, where Kurds today voted in an historic referendum on independence. The vote, which is non-binding, has been met with fierce opposition from Baghdad and its neighbours. President Erdogan of Turkey has threatened to cut off oil exports from the region.

  • 13 Jul 2017

    The Iraqi army declared victory over Islamic State fighters in Mosul earlier this week. But bombing continued to devastate the city and there are now reports emerging of Iraqi government forces killing suspected IS fighters who have surrendered. It is also becoming clear that many people are showing signs of malnutrition.

  • 11 Jul 2017

    The author and journalist Rania Abouzeid says Islamic State is the latest incarnation of previous Islamist groups, and while it has suffered territorial losses, it will revert back to being “vintage Islamic State of Iraq”.