Search results for ‘alcohol’

489 items found

  • 31 Aug 2010

    Exclusive: Probation Service chiefs in England and Wales have issued a clear warning, in a Channel 4 News survey, over their capacity to protect the public if the government goes ahead with plans.

  • 26 Aug 2010

    As California considers legalising cannabis by voting for Proposition 19 in November, which will allow the state to “regulate, control and tax cannabis”.

  • 26 Aug 2010

    Detectives investigating the killing of an MI6 codes expert, Gareth Williams, are looking into his private life for information which may lead them to his killer.

  • 17 Aug 2010

    I’ve been to a few Afghan wedding celebrations. As you’d expect, they’re full of joy, music and dancing; and way too much food

  • 12 Aug 2010

    David Cameron talks about supermarkets selling”20 tins of Stella for a fiver”, but is Stella Artois sold that cheaply?

  • 20 Jul 2010

    The pathologist who ruled Ian Tomlinson died of a heart attack at the G20 protests is accused of misconduct in four other post mortems. Simon Israel was at the General Medical Council hearing.

  • 1 Jul 2010

    Send in the architects!

    At the climax of London Architecture Week, Jon Snow blogs on the award-winning redesign of New Horizon, a youth centre in King’s Cross, London.

  • 29 Jun 2010

    As government advertising faces a huge budget cut, Channel 4 News’ Samira Ahmed looks at how government ads might change. Considering, of course, have a former PR man as prime minister.

  • 22 Jun 2010

    George Osborne’s emergency budget kick-started the government’s plans to cut the deficit. Was he VATman, public spending slasher, or responsible chancellor, asked political editor Gary Gibbon.

  • 3 May 2010

    Jonathan Rugman blogs from Athens on the Greek financial crisis

  • 22 Apr 2010

    The claim “Sarah loves Marmite, I love marmalade.” Gordon Brown during a TweetMinster on Twitter session, 22 April 2010 The background The prime minister submitted to Twitter this afternoon. Along with other questions on comparatively trivial matters such as electoral reform, the economy and foreign affairs, the First Lord of the Treasury was asked whether…

  • 22 Apr 2010

    The claim “The National Health Service has amended its hygiene rules to allow Muslim staff not to wash before attending to patients.” BNP News, British National Party website, 11 April 2010 The background Hygiene guidance for NHS staff has been attacked on the BNP’s website, which claims that it allows Muslim staff not to wash before attending…

  • 13 Apr 2010

    Is it consistent for the Conservative leader to oppose a 10 per cent increase across the board on all cider drinks but to propose a higher tax on super strength ciders

  • 11 Mar 2010

    New figures show 3.6 million incidents of antisocial behaviour reported to police last year, but senior officers believe the true figure could be double that.

  • 27 Feb 2010

    OK, let’s be clear, all we wanted to do was to go and collect our ISAF (NATO) accreditation.