Search results for ‘Islam’

3,208 items found

  • 6 Feb 2017

    Amongst those who hope that window of opportunity will stay open are the Yazidis, who,having fled Islamic State militants, are waiting in Iraqi refugee camps in the hope of being allowed asylum in the United States.

  • 5 Feb 2017

    The French far-right leader Marine Le Pen has launched her presidential campaign – hoping to cash in on the kind of populism that propelled Donald Trump to power.

  • 31 Jan 2017

    It’s true that in 2011, the processing of Iraqi refugees entering the US slowed down after tighter vetting was introduced. But it wasn’t an outright ban.

  • 30 Jan 2017

    The very latest advice from the UK Foreign Office is that people with British passports will not be affected.

  • 26 Jan 2017

    There is actually no evidence that any harm has come to Baghdadi, and the US military is still working on the assumption that he is at large.

  • 25 Jan 2017

    Zainab Chaudry, from the Council of American Islamic Relations, and Star Parker, a conservative columnist and founder of the Centre of Urban Renewal.

  • 24 Jan 2017

    America’s new president made a lot of promises on the campaign trail about what he would do on his very first day in office.

  • 18 Jan 2017

    Reporting Presidents: the questions raised by Donald Trump

    He was a ‘B’ movie star and we didn’t think that much of him in those days. Even though he had at least been Governor of California. Looking back, I suppose there were times when Ronald Reagan was regarded at the outset a bit like some now view Trump. Both, after all, promised to make America Great Again.

  • 15 Jan 2017

    Iraqi troops backed by the United States have siezed control of Mosul university from so-called Islamic State militants.

  • 9 Jan 2017

    The three-month battle to recapture the city of Mosul, the last major stronghold of Islamic State militants in Iraq, is gathering pace.

  • 3 Jan 2017

    A British man has been killed fighting the Islamic State group in Syria.Twenty-year-old Ryan Lock, a former chef  with no military experience, travelled to the country to fight alongside Kurdish militia known as the YPG.

  • 31 Dec 2016

    Two explosions have killed at least 28 in a busy market in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.  The so-called Islamic state say their combatants targeted shoppers in the Shia district with a car bomb followed by a suicide bomber.

  • 15 Dec 2016

    From Rwanda to Aleppo: a history of inaction

    Every few hours I check my Whatsapp feed from the doctors in East Aleppo. They post videos of injured children and a combination of eyewitness news and desperate messages.

  • 11 Dec 2016

    It is a strategic and symbolic prize. Capturing the city of Palmyra and its ancient ruins in eastern Syria was a propaganda coup, first for Islamic State and then for the Syrian government when they retook it last March. Now Palmyra – which lies close to large oil fields – may once again have fallen…

  • 7 Dec 2016

    It is the richest and most populous country in Africa, but parts of Nigeria are lurching towards a man-made famine. As the Nigerian army drives out the Islamists of Boko Haram from the north-east of the country, it is uncovering the scale of destruction they have left behind.