Search results for ‘vince cable’

507 items found

  • 5 Nov 2010

    Shadow Immigration minister Phil Woolas is suspended from the Labour party after his election as MP was declared void. Labour leader Ed Miliband tells Channel 4 News it was right to suspend him.

  • 28 Oct 2010

    Efforts to contain a new strain of superbug threatening the NHS and other health authorities around the world may almost be unachievable, exclusive research by Channel 4 News reveals.

  • 17 Aug 2010

    Osborne’s missionary zeal for cuts

    Faisal Islam talks to chancellor George Osborne about cuts, Trident, and the end of “soap opera” government.

  • 26 Jul 2010

    War as we have never been allowed to see it: WikiLeaks editor Julian Assange speaks to Channel 4 News about his decision to publish 90,000 US military files – the biggest leak of its kind in history.

  • 12 Jul 2010

    How does it feel to walk alone towards an unexploded bomb? Channel 4 News is given unique access to one of Britain’s IED units in Afghanistan and reveals a terrifying view of the loneliest job.

  • 21 Jun 2010

    Tragic though the 300th British dead soldier/marine is, it is the Afghan people for whom we are fighting we are told, and the Afghan people who remain resolutely ignored, writes Alex Thomson

  • 20 Apr 2010

    Cathy Newman checks it out It’s tough at the top – as Nick Clegg is beginning to find out. Since being elected leader in 2007, the Liberal Democrat leader has struggled to get noticed. No longer. But his newfound celebrity has a downside. His past is coming back to haunt him. Things that might have…

  • 12 Mar 2010

    Alex Thomson gets unique access to a British Army bomb disposal units to find out the reality of defusing improvised explosive devices, the Taliban insurgents’ weapon of choice in Afghanistan.

  • 22 Jan 2010

    After months of searching for a candidate, Channel 4 appoints UKTV’s David Abraham as its new chief executive.

  • 16 Dec 2009

    Lindsey Hilsum blogs about her interview with an Iranian militiaman of the infamous Basij.

  • 16 Dec 2009

    A defecting member of the infamous Basij militia, the men who wounded and killed in the aftermath of the Iran elections in the summer, talks to Lindsey Hilsum about what he witnessed.

  • 10 Feb 2009

    Are bankers alone to blame for our plight?

    I am watching these four bankers before the treasury select committee in the Commons. And I am watching our elected representatives struggling to rise to what is expected of them. The MPs are manifestly under-briefed in comparison with their American counterparts, who have large teams working on a thing like this. Our representatives have the…