Search results for ‘Taliban’

837 items found

  • 14 Oct 2011

    The most senior British diplomat working on Afghanistan has given the most damning assessment of the UK’s record in the country that I have heard from a serving official. Jonathan Rugman reports.

  • 7 Oct 2011

    Ten years after the war in Afghanistan began, the US and NATO still don’t have enough knowledge to reach their goals, says former US army general Stanley McChrystal.

  • 7 Oct 2011

    The situation in Afghanistan is serious but improving 10 years after the invasion, Britain’s special representative to the country tells Channel 4 News.

  • 22 Sep 2011

    Admiral Mike Mullen claims the Haqqani militant group blamed for an attack on the US embassy in Kabul is a “veritable arm” of Pakistan’s ISI intelligence service.

  • 21 Sep 2011

    America’s covert war on terror is expanding across the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, with the building of secret drone airbases from Ethiopia to the Seychelles.

  • 19 Sep 2011

    A house in Birmingham searched by anti-terror police is the same address where a man convicted of sending weapons to the Taliban lived, Channel 4 News learns. Six men are being questioned after raids.

  • 15 Sep 2011

    Abu Hafs al Shahri, believed to be al-Qaeda’s chief of operations in Pakistan, has reportedly been killed in a drone attack in Waziristan.

  • 14 Sep 2011

    Security forces kill the remaining six insurgents in the longest sustained Taliban assault on the Afghan capital in a decade.

  • 13 Sep 2011

    It has become quite fashionable to say 911 didn’t really change the world. A rash of commentary has recently argued that the decade of Al Qaeda while bloody and terrible will not have the future consequences we may once have feared. The argument runs : the world changed, the centre of economic gravity changed, the role and power of America in the world changed but much of it happened regardless of the “war on terror” and the clash of civilisations will never quite happen – especially now Bin Laden is dead. This makes for clever columns but seems ultimately rather unhelpful. The need to understand what has changed seems greater than ever before anyone claims victory and moves on, just because the troops are coming home from Afghanistan.

  • 13 Sep 2011

    As the Taliban attack high profile targets in Kabul, the UK’s former special representative to Afghanistan tells Channel 4 News it reveals the “folly of a military-only approach.”

  • 12 Sep 2011

    Ten years from now

    9/12, and they are already pumping oil again in Libya. 9/12, and we are still at war in Afghanistan. 9/12, and can anyone claim that Iraq is at peace? It is hard to imagine that in 2021 when we consider the twentieth anniversary of 9/11, the terrible loss in New York, Washington, and Pennsylvania will remain isolated from the terrible death, maiming and displacement of civilians and military alike that have flowed from the West’s response to the Al Qaida attacks.

  • 11 Sep 2011

    In 2006 we commemorated the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. How have political and military developments since then changed our view of what happened in 2001?

  • 7 Sep 2011

    Nearly 10 years after British and American forces began the war in Afghanistan, Channel 4 News reporter Inigo Gilmore returns to Kabul to find “freedom and fear living side by side”.

  • 1 Sep 2011

    Job cuts to the UK’s military are being announced with the Gurkha regiment and RAF facing the most job losses.

  • 21 Aug 2011

    Hundreds of people have been killed in ethnic and political gang war in the last few months in Pakistan’s largest city Karachi, leading to calls for the army to stop the violence.