Search results for ‘G20’

324 items found

  • 12 Nov 2010

    The G20 summit in South Korea has ended without achieving substantial progress. Meanwhile, EU leaders have moved to reassure investors about an Irish bailout.

  • 11 Nov 2010

    Hu to Merkel at the G20 summit: ‘Don’t rush it!’

    Watching back arrivals for the G20 dinner you can hear President Hu through an interpreter say to the German Chancellor: “Don’t rush it, otherwise it will not work.”

  • 11 Nov 2010

    Seoul in the spotlight as G20 host

    What an extraordinary city this is. Vast, sprung up from the devastation of the Korean war, now shiny and buzzing. Though it’s not buzzing quite as much as it normally would be. Half the cars have been told to stay at home so as not to clog up the streets and get in the way of important convoys. There have been public information films run on the telly telling Koreans to be on best behaviour and not to jump queues or traffic lights while the big delegations are in town. This is the first G20 to be hosted by Asia and the Koreans don’t want it to go wrong.

  • 11 Nov 2010

    The Prime Minister has denied the G20 summit is “meaningless” and given his views on the student protests and waterboarding in a wide-ranging interview with Political Editor Gary Gibbon.

  • 3 Sep 2010

    The General Medical Council will announce later today whether it will bar the forensic pathologist who botched the Ian Tomlinson G20 post mortem from further practice, writes Simon Israel.

  • 3 Sep 2010

    The forensic pathologist who botched the Ian Tomlinson G20 post mortem is to be suspended from further practice for three months by the General Medical Council (GMC).

  • 20 Jul 2010

    The pathologist who ruled Ian Tomlinson died of a heart attack at the G20 protests is accused of misconduct in four other post mortems. Simon Israel was at the General Medical Council hearing.

  • 26 Sep 2009

    Big news at the G20 summit in Pittsburgh. The economics are having to take back seat to the huge news that America, Britain and France have known for ages that Iran has a second secret nuclear facility. It’s a very major announcement that has re-jigged the president’s schedule and completely altered the agenda – for…

  • 7 Sep 2009

    G20 ministers not harsh enough – on themselves

    London, the very source of the credit storm, is an entirely appropriate host for the G20 jamborees. This weekend it was the finance ministers and central bankers who whizzed through the City and the Treasury. I wonder if any of their chauffeurs took a detour past the offices of AIG-FP in Mayfair, home to what…

  • 7 Jul 2009

    A report by the police watchdog criticises the Metropolitan Police’s planning for the London G20 protests in April, in which a bystander was pushed by an officer and later died.

  • 22 Apr 2009

    The IPCC fails to prevent footage showing Ian Tomlinson moments before he was shoved by police at the G20 protest.

  • 17 Apr 2009

    A police officer is questioned under caution and could face manslaughter charges, as a new post mortem into the death of Ian Tomlinson rules he did not die of a heart attack. Simon Israel reports.

  • 15 Apr 2009

    On G20 day, we had nothing better to do

    You may have found the past few days of revelations concerning the inner workings of Downing Street, a heartbeat from the prime minister, hard to credit. But how about this? On the day the G20 summit met in London’s Docklands, we asked people – mainly via Twitter – to keep an eye open for anyone…

  • 3 Apr 2009

    A selection of newspaper front pages from G20 countries on the day after the London summit. Barack Obama is a prominent theme.

  • 1 Apr 2009

    G20, LONDON – A quick post on a hectic day: I’ve just interviewed Meles Zenawi, the Ethiopian prime minister and the only representative from Africa (outside the G20) to attend the summit.