Search results for ‘Gordon Brown’

873 items found

  • 2 Jul 2009

    Economic optimism from Gordon Brown

    Out and about with the Prime Minister on his round-England trip today and you are very struck, listening to him addressing a business breakfast this morning in Leeds, by a sense of economic optimism. Not just a sense that the Budget growth predictions could be right but that they could be exceeded. That would mean…

  • 8 Jun 2009

    What does getting rid of Gordon Brown achieve?

    There is what feels like a nasty coalition between the media and the political classes. There seems to be an acute desire to bring whatever it is to the boil and then lance it (mixing metaphors). But I’m not sure there is actually anything very specific to bring to the boil beyond the residual right-left…

  • 19 May 2009

    'This is Gordon Brown. Now, about my expenses…'

    The Telegraph editor-in-chief, Will Lewis, has been telling friends of the extraordinary night his newspaper went to press with the first of its revelations. In the middle of the evening he gets a call from the prime minister, Gordon Brown. Mr Brown is well aware of what is about to happen. His call is not…

  • 11 Nov 2015

    Brown to Osborne: ‘rip up your tax credit cuts’

    The former prime minister Gordon Brown passionately defends the tax credit system he created, but is less willing to pass comment on Jeremy Corbyn and his suitability as a future Labour PM.

  • 16 Sep 2014

    Gordon Brown claims the SNP has misled the public over its NHS plans – but Nicola Sturgeon says it is hard to protect “the things that matter” when Scotland is at the mercy of Westminster cuts.

  • 9 Sep 2014

    Why Brown’s ‘new powers for Scotland’ are a dice roll

    Gordon Brown’s “new powers for Scotland” may not be the last throw of the dice for the no campaign – but the proposal is undoubtedly a gambit.

  • 8 Sep 2014

    Former prime minister Gordon Brown tells Channel 4 News rising support for Scottish independence in opinion polls shows people are unhappy and want change.

  • 22 Apr 2014

    The former prime minister Gordon Brown makes his first major intervention in the Scottish referendum debate with a speech calling on the country to vote no to independence.

  • 11 Jun 2012

    Brown swings at Tory deal and ‘on oath’ testimony

    Gordon Brown tells Leveson how he keeps calm in a crisis – even when facing News International executives.

  • 11 Jun 2012

    Chancellor George Osborne and ex-prime minister Gordon Brown are set to appear before the Leveson inquiry as the investigation into media standards enters its most politically charged week.

  • 25 Apr 2012

    Hunt defends himself, Murdoch questions Brown’s state of mind

    All in all though, it was the documents put on-line that fired up yesterday’s session and triggered the furore around Jeremy Hunt’s position. Today looks like being different. The documents Rupert Murdoch refers to in his written statement don’t look like they are seismic. The action, for now, is back in Westminster, even if the anthropological interest is at the high court.

  • 25 Apr 2012

    Gordon Brown calls for Rupert Murdoch to correct his testimony to the Leveson inquiry after the media mogul claimed the former prime minister made threats when the Sun backed the Tories in 2009.

  • 4 Sep 2011

    Former chancellor Alistair Darling’s memoirs reveal a brutal regime at No.10 under Gordon Brown, whose failure to acknowledge the scale of the economic crisis undermined Labour’s economic policy.

  • 13 Jul 2011

    The Sun newspaper says it obtained a story about former prime minister Gordon Brown’s son having cystic fibrosis legitimately, as it fights to avoid getting drawn into the phone-hacking scandal.

  • 12 Jul 2011

    The former prime minister says he is “shocked” by the apparent behaviour of News International journalists who accessed his legal and bank files, as well as obtaining details of his son’s illness.