Search results for ‘abortion’

243 items found

  • 23 May 2018

    On Friday, Irish voters will be asked to repeal the part of the constitution which bans abortion. After that the government proposes to legalise abortion up to the twelfth week of pregnancy and in cases after that where the health of life of the mother is at risk. We’ve been following the campaign.

  • 23 May 2018

    On Friday Ireland will decide whether to scrap its almost-total ban on abortion. Vocal proponents for and against reforming the constitution have powered a referendum campaign that has become increasingly bitter, but with a significant proportion of the electorate thought to have made up their minds. Our Social Affairs Editor Jackie Long is joined in…

  • 22 May 2018

    Voters go to the polls in Ireland on Friday for what will be the country’s sixth referendum on abortion in 35 years. There are perhaps few issues so intensely personal and yet so political too. This time the vote is on whether to repeal the eighth amendment, which enshrined in law the equal right to…

  • 9 May 2018

    Facebook has blocked foreign adverts that target voters in Ireland’s upcoming abortion referendum. The referendum, being held on 25 May, could repeal the Republic’s Eighth Amendment, which currently upholds a near-total ban on abortions. In a statement, Facebook said: “as part of our efforts to help protect the integrity of elections and referendums from undue…

  • 12 Apr 2018

    A council in London has created a safe-zone around an abortion clinic, to stop anti-abortion campaigners from protesting outside. We help you answer the key questions: So what has been decided? So what’s controversial about it? So what do other countries do to deal with abortion? So what’s happening in the rest of the UK?

  • 11 Apr 2018

    Campaigners for women’s rights are hailing a landmark victory after a local council voted to impose the UK’s first buffer zone around an abortion clinic, which had become the focus of daily vigils. Women who tried to attend the west London clinic claimed they felt intimidated and harassed. The council’s decison means no protests can…

  • 30 Jan 2018

    The Irish government has agreed to hold a referendum at the end of May on whether to reform the country’s near-total ban on abortion. Helen Linehan and her husband, the writer Graham Linehan, campaign to change the law in Ireland after she had an abortion because of a fatal abnormality in the foetus. Cliona Johnson…

  • 27 Oct 2017

    Fifty years to the day since the landmark abortion act made it legal in England, Scotland and Wales, a woman’s right to choose remains a political battleground, from legal challenges about protests in London to a hotly contested vote in the Irish Republic.  And for the women who had illegal abortions around the time the act came into force, their…

  • 10 Oct 2017

    A council in London will decide this evening whether to ban pro-life protesters from approaching women who are wanting to terminate pregnancies at a Marie Stopes clinic. Local residents’ have signed a 3,000-signature petition calling for the pro-life protests to be banned after some women attending the clinic complained that some of the protesters had…

  • 29 Jun 2017

    In a separate development on Northern Ireland’s strict abortion rules – an appeal court has ruled that it should be left to the Stormont Assembly to decide – not judges.

  • 14 Aug 2015

    Just seven countries in the world – including the Vatican – outlaw abortion without exception. Latin America correspondent Guillermo Galdos has been meeting those affected in Chile.

  • 24 Jun 2015

    Abortion rights activists will use drones to move packages of medical abortion pills from Germany into Poland. Access to abortion in Poland is among the most restricted in Europe.

  • 10 Jun 2015

    The Irish government is being urged to update its abortion laws and stop exporting the procedure to England.

  • 10 Dec 2014

    Anti-abortion protesters are filmed being confronted by a local resident outside a London clinic, where a pregnant woman delivered a plea last week insisting they should stop “judging” women.

  • 8 Dec 2014

    As the shadow home secretary calls for a consultation on “buffer zones” around abortion clinics, one woman tells Channel 4 News anti-abortion protesters manipulate vulnerable people.