Search results for ‘arab spring’

298 items found

  • 31 May 2011

    Saudi and Israeli discomfort with Obama

    “Many inside America’s so-called ‘Jewish lobby’, are reportedly frustrated with the Israeli leadership’s failure to respond to the developing new order that is flowing from the ‘Arab Spring’.”

  • 6 May 2011

    Perhaps the Arab Spring has gone to my head but it seemed a little strange not to see either crowds or tanks on the streets of Edinburgh as I drove in from the airport this morning.

  • 26 Jul 2021

    Tunisia’s decade-old democracy is facing its biggest crisis yet, after the president ousted the government and suspended parliament last night amid fierce protests.

  • 24 Feb 2021

    Today, a German court found a former member of President Assad’s secret police guilty of facilitating the torture of prisoners.

  • 15 Jun 2018

    England will be playing their first match on Monday against Tunisia. The two teams met exactly 20 years ago, in a game overshadowed by rioting England fans. But today, it’s the Tunisians who have a problem with fan violence. The authorities are struggling to deal with clashes at stadiums, sparked by a young population frustrated…

  • 28 Feb 2017

    One man who has long warned of the instability in Tunisia following the Arab Spring is the scholar Tariq Ramadan. Tunisia is one of several majority-Muslim countries where he was a persona non grata until after the revolution. He was also refused entry to the United States for five years, under the Patriot Act, until…

  • 10 Oct 2016

    This is the story of Aleppo – told with the help of one incredible filmmaker in the city who reveals the humanity of many of those trapped inside one of the world’s most dangerous places.

  • 8 Sep 2016

    Welcome to Aleppo, Syria. The relentless bombardment. The curse of barrel bombs. The growing list of casualties. Behind every statistic, there is almost unimaginable human suffering.

  • 21 Jan 2016

    The great global slowdown: what’s next?

    If you have a pension, or a string of ISAs, then you are watching – for the second time in a decade – your wealth destroyed. European stock markets are now 20 per cent off their peak in the middle of last year.

  • 5 Nov 2015

    Pro and anti-Sisi demonstrators clash as David Cameron welcomes the controversial leader, who is accused of mass human rights abuses.

  • 4 Sep 2015

    Is this really the biggest refugee crisis since 1945? What are the facts behind the headlines?

  • 1 Jul 2015

    Two terrorists who shocked the world

    The world must focus on the true factors behind the brutal terrorist attacks that killed 66 people in Tunisia and Kuwait last week.

  • 1 Jul 2015

    At least 70 people die in a coordinated attack by Islamic State militants in Egypt’s Sinai peninsula. Lasting several hours, the assault targets several military checkpoints.

  • 14 Apr 2015

    The UNHCR says that at least 500 migrants have died in the Mediterranean so far in 2015 – 30 times higher than in the same period last year. Channel 4 News asks if European policy is to blame.

  • 31 Mar 2015

    Why have Yemen’s rebel Houthis sided with the country’s former president, who for so long fought them, against the current government? And how are the Islamic State group and Iran involved?