Search results for ‘james murdoch’

169 items found

  • 19 Jul 2011

    News Corporation bosses Rupert and James Murdoch, and former executive Rebekah Brooks, are set to be quizzed by MPs over the phone-hacking scandal.

  • 19 Jul 2011

    The appearance of Rupert Murdoch, his son James and Rebekah Brooks before MPs is the subject of intense media interest around the globe.

  • 19 Jul 2011

    The “most humble” day of Rupert Murdoch’s life, apologies, regret, revelations and foam pie. As MPs grilled the key players in the phone-hack crisis, here’s how the day unfolded – start at the bottom.

  • 19 Jul 2011

    Rupert Murdoch was attacked by a man with what appeared to be a plate of shaving foam during his appearance before MPs.

  • 15 Jul 2011

    When Peter Mandelson was on the brink of resigning from government the first time many people wondered how a man so expert at public relations and political instincts seemed to have so little understanding of his own position. So it seems with the Murdochs and News Corp. A family and corporation so expert at communication, at capturing what the public wants and feels seems to have taken almost every wrong step possible handling the crisis.

  • 15 Jul 2011

    The FBI is looking at allegations that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp tried to hack into the phone records of 9/11 victims, after growing Senate and Congress calls for an official inquiry.

  • 15 Jul 2011

    The mogul was “humbled” and held his head in his hands as he apologised to the Dowlers. In another dramatic day in the phone hacking scandal, Rebekah Brooks has resigned from News International.

  • 14 Jul 2011

    A defiant Rupert Murdoch says he will challenge some of the “total lies” said in Parliament as he and his son are summoned to appear before MPs.

  • 14 Jul 2011

    Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg calls for Rupert Murdoch to appear before MPs to answer questions about the phone-hacking scandal.

  • 13 Jul 2011

    BSkyB bid withdrawn – but can Murdoch still win?

    Rebekah Brooks or no, James Murdoch or no, anti-takeover-MPs or no, Rupert Murdoch will do whatever it takes to clinch the BSkyB deal. And history suggests he’s got a very good shot, writes Jon Snow.

  • 13 Jul 2011

    David Cameron joins the Liberal Democrats in support of Labour’s motion calling on Rupert Murdoch to drop his takeover of BSkyB in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal.

  • 13 Jul 2011

    Rupert Murdoch has been urged to abandon his takeover bid for BSkyB after it emerged that all three main parties will back a call for him to drop his plans.

  • 13 Jul 2011

    Rupert Murdoch withdraws his BSkyB takeover bid as David Cameron vows to end the “ugly chapter” of phone hacking. Here’s how the day unfolded.

  • 12 Jul 2011

    The death-knell for Murdoch’s BSkyB bid?

    Channel 4 News Political Editor Gary Gibbon looks at whether political opposition to Rupert Murdoch’s BSkyB bid marks its death-knell.

  • 11 Jul 2011

    We think of Rupert Murdoch as a newspaper man who got into television. But in America he already makes more money from television. It is starting to look possible that could he end his career in Britain without owning a newspaper any longer. For as this crisis unfolds he could easily conclude that UK newspapers just aren’t worth it anymore. He is, at the end of the day, a businessman.