Search results for ‘london bombings’

107 items found

  • 15 Apr 2012

    Afghan attacks: a sign of things to come?

    Channel 4 News Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson says the coordinated attacks on Kabul could be an ominous sign of things to come.

  • 6 Sep 2011

    In a Channel 4 News exclusive, UK families affected by 9/11 and the war on terror tell their stories. As filmmaker Tim Lawton writes, they are united by loss and how they have lived with that loss.

  • 6 May 2011

    Each of the 52 victims of the terrorist attacks on London would have died regardless of the response by the emergency services, a coroner says. Andy Davies hears the reaction.

  • 5 Apr 2011

    As the Prime Minister travels to Islamabad to announce £650million to help support Pakistan’s education system, Samira Ahmed looks at the political and security implications of the announcement.

  • 3 Mar 2011

    As the inquest into the July 7 attacks draws to a close, Thelma Stober tells Channel 4 News of being blown out of the train during the Aldgate bombing, and that giving evidence was “cathartic”.

  • 3 Mar 2011

    John Taylor speaks to Channel 4 News about meeting the man who cradled his dying daughter after the Aldgate tube blast, and says the inquest has helped close a chapter in his life.

  • 3 Mar 2011

    John Mather appeared at the July 7 inquest via video link from New Zealand to speak about his daughter Shelley who died in the Russell Square blast. He tells Channel 4 News about giving evidence.

  • 3 Mar 2011

    Steven Desborough was on board the Aldgate train when Shehzad Tanweer detonated his bomb. Mr Desborough tells Channel 4 News how he cradled fatally-wounded Carrie Taylor in his arms amid the carnage.

  • 3 Mar 2011

    Saba Mozakka’s mother, Behnaz, was killed on the Piccadilly Line as she travelled to work on July 7. Saba tells Channel 4 News speaking at the inquest made sure her mother’s story was told.

  • 3 Mar 2011

    Ciaran Cassidy was on his way to work in central London when he was killed in the Russell Square tube bombing on July 7. His mother Veronica told the inquest about her son’s life.

  • 12 Jan 2011

    A bus passenger who survived the July 7 terrorist attacks has revealed her extraordinary escape was down to a lack of space and a bulky bag, as Home Affairs Correspondent Andy Davies explains.

  • 15 Dec 2010

    As MI5 continues to investigate whether Taimur Adbdulwahab al-Abdaly had links to other terrorists, Channel 4 News discovers that he lived close to numerous Luton-based extremists.

  • 10 Dec 2010

    The Home Secretary, Theresa May, will not appeal against the ruling that the relatives of those killed should be allowed to hear top secret evidence presented to the July 7 inquests.

  • 22 Nov 2010

    The Home Secretary and MI5 have lost their bid for intelligence officials to give evidence to the July 7 inquests behind closed doors.

  • 11 Nov 2010

    Survivors of the July 7 terror attacks have described the moment the Edgware Road bomb exploded. One of the victims said he felt like he was being electrocuted.