Search results for ‘mumbai’

93 items found

  • 18 Feb 2013

    David Cameron admits he did not appoint enough women to cabinet and says his wife has pushed him to take action on the matter.

  • 29 Dec 2012

    India’s leaders have urged calm amid widespread protests after a woman who was savagely gang raped on a Delhi bus died of her injuries.

  • 17 Dec 2012

    As England achieve a dramatic test series victory over India for the first time in 27 years, captain Alastair Cook says his team “can be very proud”.

  • 12 Dec 2012

    Complaints about a company which sent text messages about payment protection insurance and compensation for accidents are upheld by the Advertising Standards Authority.

  • 9 Nov 2012

    To the outside world relations between the USA and Pakistan appear strained, but Anwar Akhtar argues that America is not as unpopular on the streets of Karachi and Lahore as the west might think.

  • 3 Nov 2012

    From a sobbing four-year old to an expletive-strewn unofficial pro-Obama campaign ad, what have been the stand-out internet memes that have marked the 2012 US presidential race?

  • 23 Oct 2012

    Channel 4 News manages to get inside the world’s largest scrap yard in India – where a fatal incident earlier this month has exposed the tensions and troubles below the surface.

  • 8 Aug 2012

    What do the Olympics tell us about ourselves?

    We have known sporting prowess all our lives in every aspect of the game, but it has never before come together like this. In the Olympic ideal we have invested.

  • 26 Jun 2012

    In an assessment of the security threat facing the UK, MI5 Director-General Jonathan Evans predicts a successful and memorable London Olympics but expresses growing concern about Iran.

  • 19 Apr 2012

    Award-winning cameraman Dai Baker’s sneaky snap of Obama at the Whitehouse goes viral, generating publicity for online charity campaign ‘For Luca’.

  • 16 Apr 2012

    After Lord Ahmed was accused of offering a £10m “bounty” for the capture of US President Barack Obama, the peer tells Channel 4 News the allegations are a “complete pack of lies”.

  • 8 Apr 2012

    President Asif Ali Zardari meets the Indian Prime Minister in New Delhi, as the nuclear-armed foes seek to thaw relations in the first visit by a Pakistani head of state in seven years.

  • 1 Mar 2012

    From your phone number to the video you showed your brother on YouTube – Google knows it all, thanks to its new privacy policy, as Channel 4 News discovers.

  • 22 Jan 2012

    The Cabinet and the ‘snooty so-and-sos’

    Channel 4 News Economics Editor Faisal Islam blogs on the Cabinet and the “snooty so-and-sos” refusing to work for free at Poundland.

  • 13 Sep 2011

    It has become quite fashionable to say 911 didn’t really change the world. A rash of commentary has recently argued that the decade of Al Qaeda while bloody and terrible will not have the future consequences we may once have feared. The argument runs : the world changed, the centre of economic gravity changed, the role and power of America in the world changed but much of it happened regardless of the “war on terror” and the clash of civilisations will never quite happen – especially now Bin Laden is dead. This makes for clever columns but seems ultimately rather unhelpful. The need to understand what has changed seems greater than ever before anyone claims victory and moves on, just because the troops are coming home from Afghanistan.