Search results for ‘norway’

301 items found

  • 8 Feb 2019

    Labour MP Stephen Kinnock wants to leave the EU with a Norway Plus arrangement, while his party colleague Rupa Huq backs a second referendum.

  • 8 Dec 2018

    David David poured cold water on the suggestion that Britain could pursue a Norway-style deal and accept freedom of movement as part of membership of the single market and customs union. Ahead of a meeting with Tory activists in Birmingham, he also warned the Prime Minister that the question was not whether, but how her deal would be defeated in the Commons.

  • 4 Dec 2018

    The most important moment in Brexit proceedings in Parliament today was not the contempt debate that grinding its way through the Commons but a business motion amendment that happened just afterwards. At times, the Attorney General Geoffrey Cox looked overwhelmed with emotion as he listened to colleagues giving character references that might spring him from…

  • 28 Nov 2018

    “The analysis does not show that we will be poorer than the status quo today.” Theresa May, Prime Minister’s Questions, 28 November 2018 There was a ding-dong in parliament today after the government published a new Treasury analysis of the possible economic effects of Brexit. Theresa May insisted the forecast did not show that Britain…

  • 26 Nov 2018

    In search of Brexit Plan B

    Back from Brussels to Westminster and just about every Tory you talk to is trying to look through the deal itself to work out what follows defeat. Theresa May at the press conference in Brussels yesterday, and again in the Commons today, said that defeat would bring “division and uncertainty.” A lot of MPs are…

  • 4 Sep 2018

    Brexit: Chequers deal, where next?

    As parliament returns today, Theresa May has united the warring wings of her party over Brexit. Tory MPs from the pro-Remain and pro-Brexit wings of the party now seem agreed that the Chequers plan the prime minister unveiled in July is dead.

  • 27 Jul 2018

    For the first time, we can see what kind of messages Vote Leave and others were targeting at key voters in a referendum campaign dominated by false statements and half-truths.

  • 4 Jul 2018

    Brexit strains in the Cabinet

    Individual Cabinet Ministers are getting their briefings on Theresa May’s new Brexit proposals ahead of Friday’s special Cabinet meeting.

  • 27 Jun 2018

    Brexit White Paper takes shape

    Cabinet members who aren’t on the specialist sub-committee that’s supposed to be guiding Brexit negotiations got a sneak preview of the emerging Brexit policy yesterday just before full Cabinet. The UK official leading the Brexit negotiations, Olly Robbins, introduced some slides. Beside him were Gavin Barwell, the PM’s Chief of Staff and the UK Representative…

  • 28 May 2018

    What the Grenfell testaments tell us about Grenfell Tower

    Two floors down, the setting is a featureless conference hall in a nondescript West London Hotel. It’s here that several hundred surviving Grenfell souls have been pouring out both their hearts and their tears for the past seven days, with more to come next week. They are accompanied by loved-ones, lawyers, and media – the…

  • 3 Mar 2018

    In just one article, Ms Coulter has made ten false or contested claims about immigration, mass shootings and gun control. Here they are.

  • 2 Mar 2018

    Lipstick on the cake?

    Talking to some EU sources, you sense that they think Mrs May has gone through the motions of acknowledging the downsides of her red lines and then repeated her previous attempt to have cake and eat it anyway.

  • 1 Feb 2018

    May meets Xi as Brexit terms hang over China trip

    The sun’s been out all day in Beijing and today you’ve actually been able to see it. Theresa May is having tea with President Xi. A personality cult leader with unchallenged power meets a leader who has lost her majority, her top aides, her deputy, her ability to reshuffle and much more besides in one…

  • 26 Jan 2018

    Tory divisions growing over Brexit

    David Davis’ speech in Middlesbrough has not been helped by yesterday’s appearance of the EU guidelines for negotiating the Brexit transition. The speech is asking for some concessions from the EU27 which it looks like the government has already won. It’s a bit like the magician saying he’s going to produce the rabbit from the…

  • 25 Jan 2018

    It can be hard to keep up with what Labour frontbenchers are saying about Brexit. FactCheck takes a look.