Search results for ‘venezuela’

166 items found

  • 30 Jun 2017

    Eighty protesters have now died in months of violent clashes with police. Today the UN has urged Venezuela’s President to uphold the rule of law and the right of people to protest. Along with the crackdown on protests, the economic situation is getting worse.  And it’s Venezuela’s most vulnerable who are suffering most, as Guillermo…

  • 30 Jun 2017

    Mark Weisbrot, an economist who co-wrote Oliver Stone’s documentary ‘South of the Border’, which explored political movements across south America, says millions of Venezuelans received healthcare and education for the first time under Hugo Chavez. Venezuela enjoyed a decade of economic progress under Hugo Chavez.

  • 27 Jun 2017

    For three months, Venezuela has been rocked by violent unrest. At first protesters took to the streets against the Government and its increasingly unpopular President Nicolas Maduro.  Anger has grown  and the demonstrations have become a national movement against Venezuela’a crippling long-term social problems. basic services. There are food shortages and hospitals are struggling to…

  • 14 May 2017

    Violence has broken out at demonstrations around the country. Opposition activists vow to keep up pressure on the government.

  • 13 May 2017

    Pensioners are in the front line of protests against beleaguered president Nicolas Maduro.

  • 29 Jul 2015

    Venezuela’s hospitals are in disarray. Betty Zapata reports on a country where inflation is forcing doctors’ salaries below $10 a month and patients are forced to buy life-saving drugs on the street

  • 24 Jul 2014

    Venezuelan soldiers and officials begin moving hundreds of families out of a half-built 45-storey skyscraper that dominates the Caracus skyline and is thought to be the tallest slum in the world.

  • 21 Apr 2014

    Anti-government protesters clashed with National Guard officers in Caracas on Sunday, with masked protesters throwing rocks at police, who responded with water cannon.

  • 18 Mar 2014

    In any analysis of Venezuelan politics, it is prudent not to underestimate the vast shadow that former President Hugo Chavez casts over his country, writes Thom Walker.

  • 13 Mar 2014

    Protesters battle riot police in the streets of Caracas as three more fatal shootings raised to 25 the death toll from a month of demonstrations in Venezuela.

  • 23 Feb 2014

    Government supporters and opposition hold rival rallies in Caracas after eight die: opposition leader Radonski demands demonstrators’ release while President Maduro, flanked by women, calls for peace.

  • 23 Feb 2014

    A female student and a young supermarket worker are the latest fatalities from Venezuela’s political unrest as the death toll from 10 days of violence rises to at least eight.

  • 21 Feb 2014

    As the violence in Ukraine threatens to take the country to the brink of civil war, on the other side of the world unrest in Venezuela threatens to do the same.

  • 17 Feb 2014

    Police clash with student protesters in Caracas as Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro orders the expulsion of three United States consular officials.

  • 8 Jan 2014

    With almost 28,000 murders in 2013, Venezuela is now considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world, despite government attempts to crack down on crime.