Search results for ‘HIV’

764 items found

  • 30 Dec 2011

    National Archive papers released today show Margaret Thatcher was advised not to invest in Liverpool after riots in 1981 – as well as proving the Iron Lady’s tight grip on her home improvement budget.

  • 26 Dec 2011

    As Channel 4 News asks you who you think changed the world the most in 2011, Foreign Affairs Correspondent Jonathan Rugman makes the case for a young fruit and vegetable seller from Tunisia.

  • 12 Dec 2011

    As two Doctor Who episodes lost by the BBC are unearthed by a collector, a Doctor Who archivist tells Channel 4 News it is a find of “cultural significance”.

  • 8 Dec 2011

    What are you doing on Sunday night?

    This is a devastating portrait of the empires of men and the faith in them, gone in those terrifying minutes. All with the genuine camera-shakes, the screams or ‘Run!! Run!!’ From those who did – to those, caught in the lens that day, who did not.

  • 5 Dec 2011

    “For as reliable an account as possible of what Shakespeare wrote, the First Folio is it – not just for scholars but for actors and directors,” says Channel 4 News Culture Editor Matthew Cain.

  • 2 Dec 2011

    The claim “Is the Prime Minister aware that in the last financial year, taxpayers paid over £113 million to trade unions in terms of paid staff time and direct grants?” Laurence Robertson, 30 November 2011 “I think the idea of full-time trade unionists, working in the public sector on trade union business rather than serving…

  • 1 Dec 2011

    Calculating the cost of an euro catastrophe

    As the Bank of England Governor warns UK banks to build up their reserves the eurozone catastrophe talk is ratcheting up in the countdown to the European Council next Friday. Economics Editor Faisal Islam reports.

  • 1 Dec 2011

    To hear Labour speak, you’d think there was a veritable stampede of women desperate to escape the clutches of David Cameron in exchange for the warm embrace of Ed Miliband. But are they right? FactCheck speaks to pollsters and asks Mumsnet founder Justine Roberts what women really want.

  • 27 Nov 2011

    Five crewman of the Swanland cargo ship are still missing, after the vessel sank in the Irish Sea this morning. Emergency services, including Prince William, successfully rescued two of the crew.

  • 7 Nov 2011

    A Northern Irish court is shown CCTV footage of the shooting of two British soldiers outside their army barracks in Antrim, during the trial of two men accused of their murder.

  • 7 Nov 2011

    Police investigating one of the worst British motorway crashes in memory say a fireworks display at a nearby rugby club is the main line of inquiry.

  • 6 Nov 2011

    Channel 4 News cameraman Stuart Webb has covered several wars around the world but says the destruction wreaked by the Japanese tsunami is far worse – even eight months after it happened.

  • 4 Nov 2011

    A critical report by MPs says border officials have lost track of a population of asylum seekers and migrants the size of Cambridge.

  • 4 Nov 2011

    The UK Border Agency has lost track of 124,000 asylum seekers and migrant applicants. But how easy is it to disappear without a trace in modern Britain? Channel 4 News investigates.

  • 3 Nov 2011

    The government plans to sell Admiralty Arch in central London for up to £75m – part of a wider drive to get better value from its vast property estate, as Channel 4 News hears.