Search results for ‘Faisal Islam’

717 items found

  • 4 Nov 2011

    After being forced to abandon plans for a referendum on the EU bailout fund, George Papandreou will learn if his government has the backing of the Greek parliament.

  • 3 Nov 2011

    Boosted IMF riding to the rescue?

    The G20 leaders plus hangers-on are currently discussing a massive boost to the IMF’s lending resources as a back-stop confidence-building measure for markets nervous about just which economy will come close to default next.

  • 3 Nov 2011

    Greece’s Prime Minister Papandreou says he will not go ahead with plans for a referendum on the EU bailout, but calls for unity from opposition parties.

  • 3 Nov 2011

    Nicolas Sarkozy says Bill Gates’ proposal of a ‘Robin Hood’ tax on financial transactions is “technically possible”, during the meeting of G20 leaders in Cannes.

  • 2 Nov 2011

    Athens: the lessons of monetary history for Greece

    One economist likened the euro to Hotel California “where you can check out but you can’t leave”, pointing out that, “almost no modern fiat currency union has broken up without some form of authoritarian or military government or civil war”.

  • 2 Nov 2011

    Union leaders are meeting government ministers for talks to avoid the biggest public sector strike in decades.

  • 31 Oct 2011

    As leading organisations warn problems in the global economy could lead to international unrest, Gary Gibbon reports on the latest setback in the eurozone crisis – a Greek referendum on the bailout.

  • 27 Oct 2011

    Only weeks ago, Germans were debating her leadership abilities. But with Germany placed to dominate Europe, has Chancellor Angela Merkel won over her detractors?

  • 25 Oct 2011

    The moderate Islamic Ennahda party has claimed victory saying it has won over 40 per cent of votes. Channel 4 News gauges reaction from the first democratic election of the Arab Spring.

  • 25 Oct 2011

    Bank of England Governor Sir Mervyn King tells MPs measures adopted at the eurozone summit will only provide “a year or possibly two years’ breathing space” and the underlying problems remain.

  • 24 Oct 2011

    Exclusive: UK economy likely to be shrinking now, says Weale

    In an exclusive interview with Channel 4 News MPC hawk, Martin Weale, now says the UK economy is likely to be shrinking over the Euro crisis, and that the Bank of England can’t boost economy alone.

  • 18 Oct 2011

    Inflation is the Resurrection as the economy that is no longer ‘on track’

    A horrible inflation number of 5.2 per cent, an RPI number of 5.6%. Inflation is at a 20 year high, eating into people’s living standards. The misery index too, that C4 News flagged up earlier in the year is now at a 19 year high. The response of Sir Mervyn King in a speech in…

  • 15 Oct 2011

    Europe set for biggest bailout in world history

    A day of riot and recapitalisation in this eurozone crisis. That’s the view from the G20 finance meeting in Paris. Protests against banks, in a week that I believe will end with the biggest bailout in world history, of the single currency, and also of the Eurozone’s banks.

  • 11 Oct 2011

    Big Squeeze ‘coming to an end’ says BoE governor

    The poverty projections released by the IFS and the Joseph Rowntree Trust today are pretty shocking. They are well-covered elsewhere. I would point to two things. One in four children are set to be living in absolute poverty by 2020. The Coalition inherited about one in six children in absolute poverty. the Government’s target under…

  • 6 Oct 2011

    An audience with Sir Mervyn: two queasy tightropes for the Bank

    The phone call came in at 1230. An invitation to see Sir Mervyn that would have been unthinkable three or four months ago. He has only done a round of interviews like this once before, in March 2009, when QE was first launched. We only seem to get these audiences when the Governor has decided to create magic money to try to cure an ailing British economy. And I identify two tightropes he is walking.