Search results for ‘Faisal Islam’

717 items found

  • 22 Oct 2010

    Commuters face a rise in rail fares following cuts to the transport budget despite promises in one coalition partner’s manifesto. A Liberal Democrat MP tells Channel 4 News the hike is “regrettable”.

  • 21 Oct 2010

    The Treasury publishes draft legislation introducing a permanent levy on bank balance sheets.

  • 20 Oct 2010

    FactCheck looks at a few of the pledges the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats have dropped in the name of coalition and cost cutting.

  • 19 Oct 2010

    As the Government prepares to reveal tens of billions of pounds in spending cuts Channel 4 News speaks to a single mum and a disabled pensioner about their fears for the future.

  • 11 Oct 2010

    There have been eleven stabbing attacks against strangers in China since March. The father of one of the attackers tells Nick Paton Walsh the violent episodes show a society at breaking point.

  • 29 Sep 2010

    Iceland’s former Prime Minister has become the first politician to face charges over the financial crisis, after the Icelandic parliament voted to bring negligence charges against him.

  • 27 Aug 2010

    The US Federal Reserve says it will “do all that it can” to prevent a double-dip recession as US growth is revised sharply lower. David Blanchflower explains how this threatens UK economic growth.

  • 25 Aug 2010

    IFS Budget analysis means it is time for transparency

    ‘Clearly regressive’ are two words that will be sending shivers down the spines of the Coalition ministers. For the first time the Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has completed a comprehensive analysis of who will pay for the Budget measures announced in June, known as a distributional analysis in the jargon.

  • 9 Dec 2009

    The City eyes changes in the budget

    It was during New Labour’s first budget back in 1997 that Gordon Brown’s special advisers gathered around a Reuters terminal, fearful of the market reaction to the first Labour budget in two decades. It barely registered a flicker, and that was seen as the great success of the “prawn sandwich” offensive on the City. Well…

  • 9 Dec 2009

    Time to call a halt to ratings agencies?

    What a strange world we live in. The economics team I work with – Faisal and his backroom wizard, Neil Macdonald, tell me, and you, that today’s UK pre-budget report will stand or fall on the whims of a handful of economists across the world. Not any old economist but largely those who work for…

  • 20 Aug 2009

    Cameronite guru Nassim Taleb answers your questions

    “David Cameron is the best thing we have left on this planet…the only hope left for a risk-conscious society,” was one of the more unexpected answers I got from Nassim Taleb. I was interviewing the Black Swan author for a report we are doing next week. But as a teaser I put a series of…

  • 13 May 2009

    What shape will the recession be?

    As I said earlier, my best assessment of the Bank’s assessment is that they fear a W-shaped double-dipping relapse in the economy in a few months’ time. I also pondered on Twitter whether the recession would in fact be “skip-shaped” ie ___/ Other suggestions were “buttock-shaped” (from @callummay)